EVERYONE in England is anxious to impress upon this month some feature of rejoicing, and we have been reminded that, small as we are, still we, too, should utter some special strain of thanksgiving. Hence we have made this issue of FAITHFUL WORDS emphatically a Bible number, for there is no theme of thanksgiving richer or sweeter than that which exalts the Word of God. If we exalt the Word of God we exalt God, and God is nowhere exalted on the earth when His Word is unknown, hidden, or neglected.
All Jubilee gladness rightly partakes of the divinely inculcated spirit of sending gifts to the needy in the day of a Feast of Jehovah. The gift of gifts for man is the Word of God, which speaks of His heart, His beloved Son, and the blessed Spirit. We have the Bible among us in every house—thus we English—speaking people are rich; but many of our fellow men have never seen it—they are poor. Now we are particularly desirous of presenting some thousands of the citizens of Rome with a copy of the epistle to the Romans! This epistle the epistle of the Gospel of God—is unknown to most people in Rome. It will be a delightful little present to many. It is now being printed in Rome, in clear type and on good paper. Willing hands will distribute it. Will our readers help us in supplying the funds for this work?
What can we offer to the citizens of Rome, ornamented with churches, abounding in relics, crowded with monks and students, the abode of scores of cardinals, and containing the palace of the Pope, more appropriate than a copy of St. Paul's epistle to the Romans?