MANY persons around London observed last year that their flower beds were peculiarly beautiful; old and homely friends, such as scarlet geraniums and calceolarias, seemed to have sprung almost from a different stock than usual, their blooms were so large and brilliant; indeed, the size and color of Continental flowers of a similar kind were matched. What was the cause of this? The summer was notable for its prolonged and brilliant sunshine, and the humble flowers of the garden became under its influence noble and glorious. They were, themselves, our old and homely friends, but by the effect of the sunshine they were changed into unwonted beauty.
Now here is a happy illustration of the words: "We all, with unveiled face reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory." The true nobility and grace of the Christian arises from his living in the sunshine of Christ's own presence. He is in heaven, and He shines upon us here on earth, and as we behold Him we reflect Him. We are changed, transformed; we are our poor selves, but yet not ourselves. And thus do we reach from glory to glory; grow up and expand, and shine forth, and in our degree express Christ Himself.
Our garden flowers which so charmed us were of various colors, and each maintained its own color and character, but all obtained their beauty and brilliance from the glorious sun. So the Christian is ever himself, just what God has made him; but by living in the light of Christ's presence he becomes beautiful; he is transformed into the same image, and is like his Lord.
When the long bright summer days gave place to clouds, we could but observe that the flowers quickly lost their glory; that instead of much bloom there was a profusion of leaf; and that instead of brilliancy there was dullness. What a lesson! How soon the real glory of the Christian life disappears when Christ is hidden from view.