Maggie's Bible Chair

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
DEAR little girl of seven years of age, named Maggie, was taught in her Sunday school to love the Lord Jesus Christ, and early learned to know Him as her own Savior. Very real was the love of Jesus to Maggie, and she faithfully told all she knew to her friends and relations, urging them to love her dear Savior. Her greatest delight was to sit on a small chair of her own and read to others from the Bible about the wondrous life and death of Jesus, always leaving her precious Bible in the little chair when not thus occupied.
Everyone in the house and those who came there were familiar with Maggie's little “Bible chair," as she called it. Very soon the" Good Shepherd" called His little lamb home to Himself.
On the last night of her short life she asked her weeping mother to put her on her best clean nightdress, patiently enduring the effort and fatigue of the process. Then she whispered, "Now I am ready for Jesus.”
These were her last words. She passed peacefully into His presence to be forever safe in His loving arms. Oh, how that little "Bible chair" of Maggie's spoke to others when she was gone!
The Savior's words to all are "Be ye ready." Maggie was "ready for Jesus," through faith in His precious blood. How is it with you? Can you say:
“Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness,
Thy beauty, are my glorious dress.
'Midst flaming worlds in these arrayed,
With joy shall I lift up my head.”