Dear Dr. Wreford, — I fear to intrude upon the fresh poignancy of your great sorrow, but now on reading the record in this morning’s Message from God, I feel constrained to add yet another little drop of human sympathy, to that which you have already received from many full hearts.... It was just lovely the way your beloved wife Was put to sleep by Jesus. The peace and the glory of the scene, as I read, seemed to pervade the atmosphere of my little room in which I sat... and I do know that the comfort wherewith you have comforted others through the long years of your ministry, will now be yours in very full and over-flowing measure now. No doubt there will be seasons of loneliness that only God and your own heart will know, but He who “healeth the broken heart,” and “bindeth up their grief,” will, day by day, in His own matchless tenderness, bind up your stricken heart ... .
Dear Dr. Wreford we do pray for you away in this remote corner, and are so glad that we have the privilege of sympathizing with you.... I am sure that the record of that sacred page from your own life will be blessed to countless numbers, both saved, and unsaved. We do thank you, dear Dr. Wreford, for giving it to us. May the God of all comfort and consolation bless and sustain you through all the days to come, till the glad, glad morning, when the day dawns, and the shadows forever flee away. May His peace which passeth all understanding enfold your wounded heart in its healing embrace ...
With tender loving regards.
Your sister in Christ, G.C.