“We often influence younger Christians. Parents influence their children, the children watch them. I heard of some parents who were anxious for their son’s conversion; he was too, or became anxious about his soul, and came to the Meetings, where the Lord’s Coming was impressed very much on the hearers. He said on one occasion to his mother: “Do you believe, mother, the Lord might come at any time?” “Yes, my son.” “Well,” he said, “Mother, you don’t live like it.” It did her much good. Someone, a backward kind of a man, prayed for the place he lived in, and that he might so live, that when God sent someone to speak to the people (I suppose he did not feel able to speak himself), he might not be a stumbling block to them. I have heard of one or two, who so stumbled people by their walk, that some will never come to hear them speak.” — Selected.