My Cup.

In closing my May number of “A Message from God” I feel I must ask you for your prayers for my dear wife. She has not been free from pain for more than a year, and at times the pain is very severe indeed. She has been patient through it all, and values the prayers of the saints of God. Please pray for us both.
If you read our “In His Harvest Fields” for this month you will see how great the need is for all our energies to be used on behalf of the perishing millions of the world.
The following verses, called “My Cup,” are written by an unknown author, but they contain a thought that ought to appeal to every Christian, “In everything” to give thanks.
I thank my readers for all their loving kindness to me. It is a pleasure indeed to know that God hears your prayers and sends His blessing to us. Good-bye for another month.
Yours affectionately in Christ,
Heyman Wreford.