I expect that most of my young readers are well acquainted with the above text, though, perhaps, there are many who doubt very much whether God can use them in His service, although they know that they are God’s children through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Some few years ago, a young man, whose mother and sister had for a long time prayed for his conversion, but who still was as “a lost sheep,” was walking along the street, when lie was accosted by a little girl who asked his protection from a rough man, of whom she was afraid. This he readily gave, and taking her hand, they went some distance through the town together.
After walking for a time, the little girl turned to her companion, and asked him if he went to Sunday-school; to which he replied that he did not now, though he used to go when he was younger. The child then said,
“But you love Jesus, don’t you?”
He did not answer, and the question was repeated, but still she got no reply. Again she spoke, saying,
“You don’t answer, but you do love Jesus, don’t you?”
He then confessed that he could not say that he did, Soon after, the little girl left him, but the conversation had reached his conscience, and God brought home to him his neglect of salvation, and how he had slighted the Saviour, so powerfully, that before he laid his head on his pillow that night, all was settled between his soul and God, and lie knew that the Lord Jesus was his Saviour.
But perhaps some who read this little story have not yet conic to the Lord Jesus themselves. Let me ask you, “Do you love Jesus?”
Remember what He has done for you. He died upon the cross, He bore the punishment that your sins deserved, and God was so satisfied with His work that He raised Him from the dead, and put Him in the highest place in heaven, and gave Hint the greatest name, to which every knee must how.
May you, my dear young friends, give your hearts to Him now, so that, till He come again for those who He loves, you may be found serving Him, as did our little girl and bringing others to trust in Him.
ML 04/19/1936