What a beautiful word this is! What depths of meaning there are in it! A short time ago, I was reading about some of the poor, homeless children.
The writer told how he went, one night, to see them for himself, and how he found them lying asleep in great numbers on the roofs of outhouses, etc., with no covering whatever, except their few rags. Poor children! how we can pity them. No home! what a sad, sad thing.
How thankful we ought to feel for home, and home comforts. You, I suppose, have a nice home, and kind, loving friends round you there; but let me ask, have you another home in view? In the world you have your home for but a little while; what about the future, the long, long eternity? Have you an eternal home? How many there are who have heard of the eternal home, and have entirely neglected to ask whether that home is theirs.
Perhaps you pity the poor street Arabs, yet many of them with no home down here, will have a glorious home above, with Jesus, throughout eternity, because they have believed on His Name. But you, if you remain unsaved, though you have a nice home now, will be homeless then. Earnestly I would entreat you not to be satisfied until you can say,
“God is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour, Heaven is my home.”
Jesus today says, “Come unto Me”; by-and-by it may be those awful words, “Depart from Me.” Now is the day of salvation. The One who gave His own life, that all who simply trust in Him might share His glorious, beautiful home, is soon coming again; indeed, He may be here even while you read this paper, for He says,
“Behold, I come quickly.”
For whom is He coming? For His own blood-washed ones; those who have put their trust in Him. He is coming to call them home. Those who love Him will hear that home-call—His own well-known voice.
Dear young reader, if He should descend with that shout, and the voice of the arch-angel, would you hear it?
“We know there’s a bright and a glorious home,
Away in the heavens high,
Where all the redeemed shall with Jesus dwell,
Will you be there and I?
“If you trust the loving Saviour now,
Who for sinners once did die,
When He gathers His own in that bright home;
Then you’ll be there and I.”
ML 05/10/1936