A few years ago a boy, having made a bean-shooter, went out into a field to try it. After looking around for something to shoot, he spied a sparrow perched high up in a tree, chirping sweetly, and quite unconscious of approaching danger. The boy crept softly under the tree until he stood directly under the sparrow. Then he pulled the rubber, which he had loaded with a stone, and struck the poor bird squarely in the breast. It came tumbling down, and lay dead at the boy’s feet.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.”
He trembled at the thought of what he had done to one of God’s creatures, whom God provides for and protects. With tears in his eyes, the boy picked up the sparrow, still warm, pressed it to his bosom, saying to himself:
“If only I could give back the life I took!” God only can give life.
But God has shown His love for you in a far greater measure, in His care for you, than only in your daily life:
ML 05/24/1936