“A SOVEREIGN for a shilling.” So cried a man one day a few years ago, standing upon London Bridge. “A real sovereign for a shilling,” but no one heeded him.
The circumstances were as follows. This man took up a bet with another, that he would stand upon London Bridge for an hour, and offer a real sovereign for a shilling: and more, that nobody would accept his offer.
“A sovereign for a shilling,” he still cried, but amidst the traffic of that busy thoroughfare, nobody paid the slightest attention to him.
“What fools they were,” you say, “not to accept such a good offer. I for one would not have missed it.”
Yes, it was a good offer, and no one accepted it, and I question if you would have done so either, my friend, for if you are still unsaved, you are despising a far greater offer, even the salvation of your never dying soul, and God gives that for nothing. God has been put in such a position by the death of Christ, that He can offer you as a free gift at this present moment eternal life. “The gift of God is eternal life” (Rom. 6:2323For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)). My dear friend, if you are neglecting this gift, you are as great a fool, aye, a thousand times greater than those who refused the sovereign for a shilling. This offer of eternal life may be withdrawn from you at any moment, and then you’ll not get it at any price. Why not put in your claim now, and accept Jesus as your own personal Saviour. With Him you have all you need for time and for eternity. Without Him an eternity in the awful burning awaits you. Trust in Him ere it is too late, and by so doing you get everything for nothing.
R. P.