The Coachman's Conversion.

HAVING been brought up by God-fearing parents, I learned to read the Bible; and when at Sunday school I was taught the Catechism of the Church of England, and also the Presbyterian Longer and Shorter Catechisms.
I was favored in having such parents. On one occasion I would not go to Sunday school, and had to learn, as a consequence, the first Psalm.
I never forgot this Psalm; and many a time, when in worldly company in my young days, it would recur to my memory: ― “Blessed is the man that, walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” I do not doubt that it kept me from much evil; and many other such things I learned in those early days which I never forgot.
However, for about six years before it pleased God to convert my soul, I was under conviction of sin. That was a dreadful time; the sense of sin was terrible. One night I was so miserable that Satan tempted me to take my life. Thank God, I was prevented from the commission of such a crime.
I then tried to become good and to turn over a new leaf. I read a prayer at night, and got Spurgeon’s book, “Morning by Morning and Evening by Evening,” and another book with prayer for all circumstances, thinking that by this means I should get better. I became more attentive at church, and everybody thought I was a Christian; but I had no real peace nor rest of soul. I felt I had nothing but “dead works,” and that I was still far from God. I wanted a Saviour! I deserved God’s judgment, for I was a sinner; but I did not know how to escape it. But, thank God, the way of escape was soon shown to me. It came about as follows: ―
Having heard from friends who lived at N. C., a place some twenty-five miles away, of a great revival there, and of many souls being brought to God, some of them well known to me, and some who had led a sinful life and never attended church or chapel, I felt deeply interested and desired to hear what the servants of the Lord had preached in that place. They were Mr. J. W. S—and Mr. J. G―.
I got news that the first-named was coming to preach at H―, not far from where I lived; and, out of curiosity, I went to hear him. It was on a night in 1874, a long time ago now, but it seems to me as though it were yesterday.
The house where the meeting was held was crowded. The text was, “When I see the blood I will pass over you” (Ex. 12:1313And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12:13)). The preacher showed how that, on the night of the Passover in Egypt, the only way of safety from the destroyer was the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the lintel and doorposts. No other means would be of any avail. God looked for the blood and that alone, promising safety wherever it was sprinkled. Those who believed God obeyed His word and escaped. All others had to bear the judgment of the death of the firstborn.
Then he showed that all this was a picture of that blood which can cleanse from all sin, and that the Lord Jesus Christ, the holy Lamb of God, came to die for sinners, so that all who believe in Him and trust to His blood are screened from judgment―that His blood, and not their works, is the only ground of salvation. I found, there and then, what I wanted — peace with God, and the knowledge of the Lord as my own blessed Saviour.
Many years have passed since then; and, though I have seen much in myself to make and keep me humble, yet I can gratefully say that He is precious in my heart, and that I love His ways and His people.
The night following my conversion, my late wife went to the meeting, and, thank God, was saved. Her heart was so full of joy she could not speak. She wept for joy!
That night was a happy night! and the life of a true Christian is the only truly happy life.
Some say that they have not faith; well, but faith does not look at self to find happy feelings. It looks at an object outside of self, and that is Christ! God has glorified Him on high, because He glorified God on the cross, when He made atonement for sin.
Reader, God looks at the blood of His Son as the only means of escape for the sinner. See that you trust in that all-cleansing blood.
J. H.