THE clock had reached 9:30 on the night of 20th January 1902, when the writer was called to the bedside of James D―, who was rapidly passing out of time into eternity, and that too without God.
It was a, solemn moment, the poor fellow realizing his terrible position, for he said, “I have cried to God for mercy, but seem to get no answer, and all is dark and distant.”
He had lived forty years for himself, and now was dying, absolutely unprepared.
I knelt down and cried to God on his behalf, to which he gladly responded, then simply pointed him to Jesus as the risen Saviour at God’s right hand, but no! blinded by the god of this world, he exclaimed, “I can’t understand, but I’ll try―I’ll try and make my peace with God.”
I endeavored to show him that peace had been made nineteen hundred years ago by God’s beloved Son, repeating, “Having made peace by the blood of his cross” (Col. 1:2020And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. (Colossians 1:20)), and that now peace is proclaimed through that same blessed One who is at the right hand of God. Then I besought him to turn away from himself, look to Jesus, and trust in Him alone for salvation.
He suddenly brightened and replied, “That is clear: I will.”
It was getting late, and having to leave, I clasped his hand in mine, and looking him straight in the eyes, I said: “James, it is your only chance. ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.’” I saw him no more. At half-past nine the next morning his soul winged its flight into eternity.
Dear reader, should you be called so quickly, say, are you ready? If not, I implore you, as one who loves your precious never-dying soul, lose no more time, for
“Tomorrow’s sun may never rise
To bless thy long deluded sight;
This is the time, oh then be wise,
Thou would’st be saved—why not tonight?
The world has nothing new to give,
It has no true, no pure delight;
Look now to Jesus Christ, and live:
Thou would’st be saved―why not tonight?”
It may be your only chance, close in with God’s offers of mercy ere you lay this paper aside. God grant that you may for His name’s sake.
J. M.