A Stimulus to Service.

SERVANTS need stimulating to do their work, not for their work’s sake, but for their Master’s. It will be such a happy thing, when we stand before Him, to have done the little things on earth according to His pleasure. His love to us should be our motive of service to Him; for it will be a joy to Him to smile upon the servant who has been engaged for Himself. Servants of Christ must expect disappointments in their work. But husband-men do not give up work because of bad weather; they hope to the end, and, even if wet or drought destroy the harvest, year by year they still plow and sow. Let it be the cloudy day or the bright one, be the season one of disappointment or one of rejoicing, blessed are those servants who shall be found at their work when the Master comes! The Lord’s servants are rewarded not for the amount of work they do, but for doing the work appointed them. We have each to fulfill, as a hireling, his day. Whether we work eleven hours or one hour in His vineyard is not the question. We work for the Master, not for the penny.