Praying and Believing.

How often we pray for that which we feel we need, without waiting to find out whether or not the blessing for which we pray is not really ours! Hence our very prayers are contrary to truth, and hindrance to faith. Perhaps with the sunlight shining upon a text of Scripture that tells us God is for us, or that peace is our portion, or that the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we pray God to be for us, or that we may have peace, or that the Holy Spirit may come and dwell in us! Faith in God’s word must be the first thing with us. God has spoken, and what He says is true; He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ. Let us see to it that our prayers are scriptural, lest we make our prayers for blessings which are ours in Christ, a barrier to our faith in God and our praising Him for what He has given us.