The Power of Prayer.

HOW little estimated is the value and force of fervent believing prayer. May we not, who know and love the Lord, each ask ourselves, Do I pray as if I really had set my heart upon obtaining my requests? We need to bear well in mind the sweet words, “And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.” (1 John 5 1:5.) We know that we have Faith sees the answer already given! Why? Simply because Faith is looking straight up to the One who has promised.
“Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” (Isa. 65:2424And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. (Isaiah 65:24).) Many have been the literal fulfillments of this word graciously granted to God’s people now on the earth, as the following simple instance may help to show.
Some years since a young Christian heard of the serious illness of a gentleman, whose sister had not long before died in the Lord.
The tidings came that the brother’s days also were numbered. It was said, too, that the poor dying man was under deep concern of soul, and was earnestly longing for assurance of his soul’s salvation. The young lady in question felt nothing on hearing this account, beyond friendly regret and sympathy with him and his sorrowing relatives. A few weeks later, however, while busily engaged in her daily duties, suddenly, and without any apparent reason, a spirit of prayer and supplication filled her heart and mind for the salvation of this young man’s soul. The love of Christ and of souls she felt to be irresistibly constraining her. Domestic duties were of necessity given up for a time, and in retirement she poured out fervent entreaties that then, at that very identical moment, the Lord would give the young man to see by faith Christ as his Saviour, yes, that he might there and then find Him, ―the altogether lovely One, ―and also that he might in quitting this world leave behind him a bright testimony to the glory of God.
Not a soul besides herself knew of this singular wrestling with God in prayer. A day or two afterward the tidings came: “Young Mr. has had a most glorious and triumphant end.” “Suddenly,” the narrator went on to say, “after deep gloom, at times almost bordering on despair, the Lord burst in upon his soul―he knew that his sins were all washed away in the blood of the Lamb. Peace flowed into his soul like a river, and, with praises to his Redeemer on his lips, he passed into His eternal presence.”
On inquiry it proved that this had happened at the very time when the earnest supplications were ascending to God on his behalf. Even while the petitioner had been speaking to God, He had heard and answered. Oh, what an encouragement to faith! What a blessed stimulus to “continue instant in prayer with thanksgiving.” E. G.