IN Blenheim Park there is a very fine I monument erected to the memory of that world-famed conqueror, the first Duke of Marlborough.
In the inscription these words caught the writer's eye:
“He gained an absolute and glorious victory.”
How fittingly may they be applied to the Lord Jesus!
The Duke truly had a most formidable foe to meet, but he had likewise at his command the pick of the British army, men who unflinchingly obeyed the orders of a leader in whom they had the fullest confidence.
The Lord Jesus, single-handed and alone, met Satan and all the hosts of darkness, and "triumphed gloriously." His life attested His power. He foiled Satan in the temptation in the wilderness. Hitherto Satan had gained the mastery over all. Flushed with the unbroken victories of centuries, he was absolutely beaten by the Lord Jesus, the meek and lowly Man, with no other weapon but dependence and "Thus saith the Lord." Later on demons had to cry out in despair, "Art Thou come to torment us before the time?”
In His death on the cross He gained His most wonderful victory. The Duke found in death an invincible foe, but the Lord 'Jesus by dying broke the power of death. He died for us. On the cross He performed the work of atonement. Now, as Victor over sin, death, and the grave, He has taken His seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high, exalted a Prince and a Savior.
Such is the One whom God presents to the sinner as a Savior mighty to save. Oh! for language to speak worthily of Him Another statement on the monument could well be applied to such a Savior:
“All the usurpations of the enemy were recovered.”
Satan was the great usurper. He has taken man captive at his will. But the death and resurrection of Christ have broken his power, have declared God's infinite love to man, and have bowed myriads at His feet, where all the bonds of Satan's thralldom have been eternally snapped, so that those who once feared God and were afraid to meet Him now call Him Father, and are perfectly at home in His presence.
Yet another statement on the monument calls for comment:
“He was not content to triumph alone.”
The great Duke on various occasions showed his magnanimity by giving place to some of his officers, thus allowing them a share of the victories, and the consequent honor and reward bestowed by a grateful country.
But what shall be said of Him who faced such a foe and gained such a victory alone, and now desires that even His enemies should be sharers in all His spoils? "For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we &all be saved by His life." (Rom. 5:10.)
“He bore our sins that we might be
His partners on the throne.”
What grace! What love! Do you know this victorious Savior? Are you rejoicing in the results of His triumph? Are you sharing in the spoils?
Trust Him, and every gospel blessing will be yours, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16:31.) "By Him all that believe are justified from all things." (Acts 13:39.) B.