Acts 1: May 2004

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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In the Book of Acts we see how God began to “gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad” (John 11:5252And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad. (John 11:52)). Comparing the first verse of Acts with Luke 1:33It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, (Luke 1:3) leads us to believe the writer was Luke. Acts is the connecting link between the four Gospels and the Epistles. The latter part of this book takes up, almost exclusively, the labors of Paul, who was not one of the twelve original apostles. The Book of Acts shows us how the Lord built His church after the descent of the Holy Spirit. It is the great historical book of the New Testament.
After the Lord rose from the grave, He appeared to the disciples and gave many infallible proofs that He was indeed alive again. How this must have cheered their hearts! He told them to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them. This took place only ten days after the Lord was taken up to heaven. The disciples saw Jesus ascend until a cloud received Him out of their sight. Then two angels told these men of Galilee that Jesus would come again as they had seen Him go.
Returning to Jerusalem, they continued with one accord in prayer, being about a hundred and twenty in number. Peter then stood up in their midst and said that someone must take Judas’ place as an apostle. It had to be a man who had been with them all the time that the Lord Jesus was among them. They prayed and cast lots and Matthias was chosen to be with the other apostles, bringing their number to twelve again.
1. How many days did the apostles see Jesus, receiving ____________ infallible proofs that He was alive again? Acts 1:___
2. The apostles could receive power after the Holy Spirit came ____________ them. Then where were they to witness for the Lord?
Acts 1:___
3. What did the two men in white apparel say to the ____________ of Galilee? Acts 1:___
4. Who continued with one accord in ____________ with the apostles?
Acts 1:___
5. After they prayed and gave forth their ____________ , who was numbered with the eleven apostles? Acts 1:___