The Lord Jesus had commanded the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit was sent from heaven. They were there in one place on the day of Pentecost. Suddenly, a sound like a great wind filled the house where they were sitting and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they began to speak in other tongues, or languages, that they had never learned. What a remarkable thing this was! Men from many different nations were in Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost, yet they heard these Galileans speak their language. How could this be possible? Some said they were drunk. However, Peter reminded them that the prophet Joel foretold of such a thing happening in the last days. Also, David, being a prophet, was told that a descendent of his, Christ, would sit on his throne. Israel would assuredly know that God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Many believed Peter’s word that day and were baptized, greatly increasing the number of the believers. What do you think they did then? We read that “they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” These are also good things to be doing in 2004.
1. When they were all ____________ with the Holy Spirit, what did they begin to do? Acts 2:___
2. Men from many different countries heard Galileans ____________ in their tongues. What were they speaking about? Acts 2:___
3. What did God swear to the ____________ David with an oath?
Acts 2:___
4. When Peter preached, how many received his ____________ and were baptized? Acts 2:___
5. Those that were saved continued ____________ , in four things. What were they? Acts 2:___