In this third chapter of Acts we have Peter’s second recorded sermon. It is interesting to see how God chose to present the message of His grace through the apostles. Their theme was Christ crucified, risen and glorified. Peter and John meet a lame man, forty years old, at the gate called Beautiful. He is a picture of Israel with beautiful religious ceremonies but having no power to get the blessing. The apostles had neither silver nor gold, but they knew Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Do you know Him? It is the most important matter in life - to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Sadly, Israel as a nation denied this Holy One and desired a murderer instead. They should have known better because they had the Old Testament. In it, God showed by the mouth of all His prophets that Christ would suffer for the sins of the people. Peter told them that even though they did this wicked deed, they could repent and be converted, and their sins would be blotted out. God loved His earthly people Israel and raised up His Son Jesus as the only sacrifice that could put away their iniquities.
1. Since Peter had neither silver nor ____________ , what could he give to the lame man? Acts 3:___
2. The men of Israel desired a ____________ to be granted unto them. Who did they deny? Acts 3:___
3. What things did God show before by the ____________ of all His prophets? Acts 3:___
4. Had Israel repented and been ____________ , what would have happened? Acts 3:___
5. For what purpose did God raise up His Son ____________ and send Him to Israel first? Acts 3:___