Actss 20:29-

Acts 20:29
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The mind of the Lord this morning that we do not give up the finishing this chapter because of the importance of these at last 8 verses. Perhaps the last 10 verse is so very very needed and seasonable for our present day Revelation chapter I mean.
Acts chapter 20 and verse 29 to the end.
20 and verse 29 For I know this, that after my departings or gravest wolves enter in among you, not bearing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch and remember.
That by the space of three years I ceased not to warn everyone night and day with tears. And now, brother, and I commend you to God into the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified. I have coveted no man's silver, nor gold, nor apparel. Yeah, ye yourselves know that these hands administered under my necessities, and of them that were with me. I have showed you all things. How the soul laboring.
Ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus. How he said, it is more blessed to give them to receive. And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down and prayed with them all. And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck, and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he speak, that they should see his face no more than the accompanied him under the ship.
I suppose the grievous wolves would be like those who come in with false doctrine.
And scatter the flock. But there's also mentioned that of your own selves showing that these were real Christians.
Speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. Notice in verse 28. Take heed. Does he not want us to open our hearts, our ears?
Take heed and in our verse 31, therefore watch. That doesn't mean that we should be slothfully indifferent, but rather awake and diligent in these last days in view of what the apostle predicts.
How things are going to go.
They're not going to go better.
Mr. Darby in about 1826, we'll say, and seven long there, he looked back at Acts and especially chapter 431 to 34, where we see the paradise of the church where I leave we see a work of God that was perfect in the church. I'm inclined to believe that, brethren.
That they were all of 1 accord 1 mindful of grace and power.
Mr. Darby compared that with what he saw all around it, and he didn't see anything like that.
Now remember how in back in the third of Ezra and the remnant that came back in the days as a rubber bowl, how there were some that saw that temple foundation renewed. They saw the work starting in the right direction. The old man then.
They wept when they compared what they saw.
With what they had seen of the temple that Solomon had built, they saw the difference. The younger men saw such a commendable work going on like they hadn't been going on. They just rejoiced and shouted, as it were. Well, that's all right in its place in in Haggai chapter 2.
We see Haggai calling their attention to that occasion.
But Haggy, I called their attention to the fact that we still have.
The Lord with us, we have his word still with us. Aggie I chapter 2, verses four and five I believe. And also the Holy Spirit remaineth now in a day of ruin, ruin, confusion.
Like this even amongst ourselves.
We still have the Lord unchanging His Word, liveth in the body forever. They cannot be ruined. Our souls have a resource in the person of the Lord, in His Word, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Now if the Holy Spirit is using the Word.
To speak to us.
Well, that is what makes this three days worthwhile. Yesterday between the meeting, what is the application? How do we apply practical truth? Now, in keeping with what you've said, dear brother Brown, may I just read a verse in the Song of Solomon? Pardon me, I read it yesterday, but it's the second chapter.
I quoted it yesterday. Part of it.
And the eighth verse, the voice of my beloved, Behold, he cometh, leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. Now what is this?
Well, in the 1St place, it's not simply being occupied with doctrine. Now it's good to be instructed, but beloved, unless it's the voice of my beloved, it will not have any effect upon my heart. In practical truth, there has to be the enjoyment of first love, and if there's the enjoyment of first love, there will be brokenness with us.
And there will be the exercise of soul.
No matter who brings something to us.
We will accept it from the Lord and at least weigh it. I remember as our telling our brother Smith just a few moments ago.
That I value a little girl coming to me, a little girl. And she didn't know what she was hardly saying, she said, Mr. London, why do you always say that? And it just went like an arrow to my conscience. Now that little girl was a watchman.
You know what I mean? A watchman like we have in the Song of Solomon.
It took that little girl to bring home to me something that I needed, that perhaps no brother could bring to me. Now it's the voice of my beloved.
Do I want to really please the Lord? Do I want to act upon the truth? Well, that must be in communion. And if we are out of communion, the Lord may use any means that He pleases to restore our souls. And it may be only in one thing, but still we need that. And now what is the next point?
He cometh when you and I lose a sense of the Lord's coming, his return. We're we're like Samson, we have lost our sight.
Spiritually we are a heavenly people, and that hope of His coming must be remained constantly before us, or we these practical exhortations will have no effect because our eyes are on something else and this idolatry really in the sense of the Word of God. 14th chapter of Ezekiel.
Six times it speaks about, and the Lord is one that's speaking to his people of Judah.
It speaks about these men have idols in their heart. It mentions that six times and one time. It mentions a multitude of idols in their heart. So if we have so much of Satans attractions of this world that we are so easily and naturally taken up with, it deprives us, it robs us.
It usurps the place that Christ should have in her heart. As you said, it must be a work of the Lord of devotedness. God working in our hearts to will and to do according to His pleasure. And I want to say this, I want to learn to have no use for legal.
Faithfulness now, I'm sure.
That of the Spirit, where it is a devotedness, faithfulness, Christ, or an obedience. There'll be plenty that will label it legality. But all brethren, we must have open hearts and ears for God's mind, and disregard our own or even our brethren, if it differs from that which is for the glory of Christ.
Sacrifice, devotedness. If there's no salt in the sacrifice, it's a picture of a an operation, whether it be service for God or whatever it is, without the heart in it, without devotedness, there must be the saw. Thou shalt not allow the salt to be lacking in the sacrifice.
I think it's worthwhile for it, just take a few moments to find out what salt refers to.
Well, we have salt mentioned in Scripture, in Mark's Gospel.
Every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. Everyone shall be salted with fire. That is, everyone must be tested by God's own character, because we're going to live there forever, and it's only what has been brought to us in Christ that that amounts to anything but in our service.
Everything we do is going to be tested by devotedness now. If it's right, it will serve as that which preserves and also as that which.
Would savor it should, and even our speech should be seasoned with salt. Now this is something we should remember, because otherwise we'll be careless in our words and there won't be anything for God unless.
Of the Holy Spirit, that's all. It's what He produces in our hearts.
I don't mean to take so much time. I don't know if this will help my brethren, but I intend to. Others may have better thoughts I have thought. When I read Mr. Darby's translation of Matthew 513, he says if the salt have become insipid, now notice that word become. Now I believe that the salt has to do with.
Souls having to do with God, the more we have to do with God on our knees in reading His Word and waiting upon Him to help us to enter into it and to apply it to our luck for our lives. We know how miserable a job we make of that. But I do believe, I'm kind of believe. It's helpful to me to believe that salt is a matter.
Of really having to do with God.
My ministry will be flat if I don't spend much time on my knees. I don't do it near enough. You know how difficult it is. But I do believe that the more we have to do with reality, with God, our ministry will carry with it that which God would have it. Gary.
Destroys nature, doesn't it? And that's an element that's needed.
In our pathway is it not brings everything into the presence of God. You can weigh that and consider it. There's number of ways that salt has been explained. But there's one thing to remember what Brother Lundeen was quoting. Let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt. It doesn't say salt seasoned with grace.
Perhaps we see in the woman at the well.
In the fourth of John.
She was evidently much impressed with the conversation with the blessed Lord there, but it would have produced no blessing in her soul if the Lord hadn't introduced the soul. And when the Lord said, go, call thy husband and come hit her, he introduced the salt it displayed.
Made manifest what had been going on in her life since she'd been living in sin.
Then the salt brings.
Exercise. And the blessed result is that that poor soul owns Jesus as the Messiah.
You have two, brethren. How little?
Have we entered into that which we do frequently desire and have high respect when Lord Jesus says learn of me for I and me and lowly.
In spirit or heart, then we have that word. In Philippians one speaks about a supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
At the end of the book against Legalism, the six chapters of Galatians, the apostle says the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. At the end of Philippians in J&E translation, exactly the same words now there were two sisters vying each other.
They needed that humbling truth as to the Lord Jesus humbling himself and.
It ends with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be your spirit, you odious and Seneca. You can see anything good in them. Think of those things don't always look about something against them. In Philemon that one chapter love letter where that dear brother Philemon had the assembly in his home, but he had a Barnsley that got away from him. He landed.
With Paul and God used it for salvation. Paul writes this love letter to Philemon to receive him as himself and so on. So loving and gracious is the apostle. He ends that epistle with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be with your spirit. Now the last thing when the apostle Paul lays down his pen, he's written 100 chapters.
14 Epistles.
He's given us that heavenly truth. He does not word it exactly the same, but you read it rather than that last verse that he writes, and you'll find out that he includes the very same thought now for these last days, these perilous times when he says.
Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus in Christ Jesus mentioned seven times. Oh, I hate this business. They're showing off. You might say what I know. I hope there's something profitable, brethren, and worthwhile in Christ Jesus mentioned seven times in Paul's last epistles for these last days. It has a different.
Character than it does in Ephesians and Colossians and Corinthians about being in Christ Jesus.
If any man be in Christ, he is his new creature and so on. But in Second Timothy, it's rather we have in Christ Jesus everything as a supply, as a reservoir to draw from to meet our needs in these last days. So I love that truth.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit and all such as I just mentioned.
Mind the entrance of false doctrine, entrance of false doctrine. That's very important, this now in verse 30. We need to go on with this verse and little brethren, because it embraces quite a problem also of your own self shall men arise.
Speaking perverse thing to draw away disciples after them, It's remarkable how many letters one gets from brethren concerning problems in the assembly. What are we going to do where we have adopted a method among the Latin Saints? If it is a question of false doctrine or anything that is contrary to the essential Godhead of the Lord Jesus, then.
A servant of the Lord so-called can.
Pronounce upon that. But we have always told them that if there are problems, not to worry me about those problems, but to consult among themselves, the elders, these are the, these are the ones to be consulted.
Are they? Is the Spirit of God not sufficient forgive to give the the elders among us wisdom to deal with any little thing that may come up?
Concerning the onward March of the work of the work now may we be very careful, brethren, in our.
Replying to questions answered us, the Saints tend to look up to old men to give them a solution, and we just humble ourselves and feel that we are not able just because we do not understand the conditions prevailing in their assembly. So we refer them back to the elders there to take up that matter in the presence of God.
And if they are unanimous about the decision, well, good. Why bother anybody else about it? Why should I put myself there to propose something different?
I say the danger is that there's always looking to someone who's an older man to make a decision. And we thank God for the confidence that the Saints do manifest in poor old Jacobs as we are. But there are elders in the meeting who are capable of dealing with these problems. I asked a brother who was in they had problems in this particular meeting. I said, are you?
100% agreed on that. Well, I said I have nothing to say. Is it concerning the essential Godhead of the Lord Jesus, the authenticity of the Scriptures, or the denial of the Godhead of the Lord Jesus? Then I might pronounce something on that. But perverse things? Oh brethren, I wish we could take that up a little bit more.
Perverse thing many of the divisions among God's dear people.
Come about because of the introduction of others. The body is one we know. But why cannot the elders in one meeting decide before the Lord any problem? Why can't they? Sure they can.
You know, brother, and agree with me that it is the action of the assembly, as gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, that we are not only to bow to.
But we should not merely bow to it with reluctance that the inside of us is different than our outside mouth. And maybe walk. God likes truth in the inward hearts, consistent with His truth, consistent with the truth of the one body, and endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the uniting.
Bond of peace. Therefore divisional things held in the heart are like embers, liable to come out in a flame and cause more trouble. Yet I'm speaking on a very delicate subject amongst ourselves. But we ought not to be guilty.
Of being double faced and walking with those gathered at the Lords name on the truth with one body without being in subjection, not merely submitting and submitting reluctantly like a brethren tradition. That we ought to bow to every assembly action, not marry. That it should be a work of faith and reality and other heart and conscience.
If in the local assembly.
There doesn't seem to be the power or the wisdom to act on a matter. It would only indicate our state of soul and the powers there. The Spirit of God is there and I believe if we get on our faces that God will come in. He's able to govern his house and I believe He will come in instead of looking to men. I think we do well.
Just to bow to the Lord and say Lord, we have a problem.
I recall once that in an assembly there was.
Something that exercised the Saints. They felt that there was number liberty.
The brothers went off into a little room and they got down before the Lord and they said, Lord, we can't go on this way.
The next day something happened that opened up the whole matter and it was all cleared. Well, now I believe that's the right way. They got before the Lord about it instead of going outside for help. It might be necessary in an extreme case, but usually I believe that we can recognize that there's power in the assembly if the Spirit of God is there to solve these difficulties.
On her knees in that kind of a circumstance.
And not want our own will. If everyone of them were thus open to wanting nothing but the will of the Lord, that would solve the whole problem. That's not that sounds like theory to his president. Why? Because of our naughty, naughty tendency to want to have our own way. I wonder perhaps if the without turning to it, if the 5th chapter of Numbers might give us a little picture of it. I.
Suggest we turn to it. I think it's well enough known the priest is faced with a very, very real problem and he doesn't know what to do. There are false and contradictory statements made before him and he has no way of finding out what the truth is nor what his responsibility is. And he is told to take an earthen vessel and clean water.
And dust from the floor of the Tabernacle.
And God says when you do that, then and not till then, will I tell you what action to take. Well, we are at times faced with problems of a similar sort and we perhaps think we should become detectives or.
Make strange arrangements of our own. But dear brother and I have seen this carried out when faced with a very, very distressing and trying problem.
We recognize that we do have the earthen vessel, we recognize that we do have the water, but we must admit we do lack the dust of the floor. And who was it that got down in the dust? Did the priest point to the one suspected of guilt and say you get down in the dust and until you do, there be no solution? No, the priest had to get down in the dust.
And I have seen the Lord's people in the dust, in tears.
With a problem before them that seemed absolutely without solution, it seemed insurmountable. But I have seen those dear brethren on their faces in tears, in the dust, crying to the Lord. And I have seen the Lord come in as he promised to do in the 5th of numbers. I have seen him come in in the most remarkable way. I feel perhaps it's helpful for us brethren, because I know that problems arise and.
We're inclined to act like lawyers or think we have that ability.
But I do feel that what we need is the dust of the floor for ourselves, for ourselves. It is not right, and it's not just limited to.
A few I believe that brothers and sisters alike can be found.
On their faces before the Lord, crying to the Lord, that by His very wonderful grace in the day such as are described here, we might, may not only be preserved and kept.
But be able, by the grace of God, to rejoice. As our dear brother pointed out from the second of Haggai, these resources were not only given to the children of Israel in order that they might be able to make the most of a difficult situation, but that they might be able to stand fast and rejoice.
Because that same outline ends, I believe it's in the ninth verse. With this most wonderful promise, the latter glory of this house shall be greater than of the former. The cause of their discouragement was that they were looking back in memory to the glory of Solomon's temple, and comparing it with the pitiful smallness of the House of the Lord before their eyes.
The Lord, I think, was saying you're looking in the wrong direction if you turn a look ahead.
I promise you something that will outshine the glory that ever was known in Solomon's day. Now, brethren, here we are in a day of great weakness. I hope we're ready to admit it. The things that were warned of by dear Paul in these verses have certainly come upon us. And what do we do?
Does sort of make the best of it, or can we recognize that God has been faithful to His promises? He has given us the very resources that have been brought to our attention. I am with you, saith the Lord, according to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. So my spirit remaineth among you. Fear ye not. These resources are still available to encourage and strengthen us, and so is the prospect of that which lies ahead.
If we turn and look ahead.
Oh, what a prospect lies there, I think of Dear John on the Isle of Patmos, and if you want to put yourself in his position you'll get something of the feeling that John must have felt as he stood there and looked across the water to the land from which he had been exiled. You kind of feel with Dear John as to what must have passed through his soul. But he heard behind him. That's rather unusual, isn't it? He heard.
Him a great voice as of a trumpet speaking, and the next words are these being turned I saw, being turned I saw and the whole panorama of the Book of Revelation was unfolded before his eyes because he turned around. And I sometimes think that we turn in the wrong direction and we make comparisons that cause us to feel downhearted, but I think the Lord would say.
Today there are resources for days just such as these. Those resources, I believe, are ours to gladden and strengthen our hearts. But we do well to remember that the dust of the floor is that which I believe can bring us the answer to the continual problems that arise. Verse 32. It appears that the apostle couldn't commend anybody.
Commend these dear souls standing with him to anybody.
There were two wonderful statements made here. I commend you to God and the word of his grace. Brethren, this is our resources. It not God and the word of his grace, say Brother Smith. That's really prayer and the word of God.
Two provisions that will never fail. He didn't even commend the Saints there at Ephesus to the elders.
But he did commend them to God and for the word of his grace, and after warning them of the coming in.
Wolves to scatter the flock, and the men are rising to speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. That there was that provision in spite of all the efforts of the enemy and the success of the enemy. God's Word and getting before the blessed Lord in prayer.
I was thinking to brethren about what he says here. Therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn everyone night and day with tears.
Now the work of the Lord's servants isn't confined to gospel will work that's wonderful when there are opportunities and it should be taken advantage of. But there is definitely a work for any servant of Christ and any assembly.
To help and to establish them and to encourage them.
You find that when Paul that when Barnabas went and found Paul and brought him to the Antioch, that they continued their whole year instructing the disciples of the young believers. How was that wasted time? God has sent those men out to preach the gospel, but where they wasting their time to just be instructing?
Those in the assembly there? Not at all.
So there is the definite work in the assembly and brethren, let's not forget this. Let's not forget this. Do any of us desire to serve the Lord to any of us desire to help our brethren, Let's remember how Paul.
Warned with tears. Oh, think of the heartaches that it possible had, he said to the Galatians, you know.
Whom I have labored and travel.
That Christ might be formed, and you think of the deep exercise of soul that that dear man went through for his.
Has children in the faith and so for anyone who desires to serve the Lord they of need there is among the dearest Saints of God. And remember the attitude of soul. What a contrast there is here between.
Men among yourselves are rising speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them. They may have been the most gifted men that were laboring in those days. The fact a man has a gift doesn't indicate that he is the most use useful man in the assembly.
He may be the most dangerous man in the assembly if he uses a gift he has.
To promote his own cause or to carry out his own self will gets willful and won't yield and won't submit to his brethren. A man of that character can do more harm than any humble brother that isn't taking much part in the meeting. But contrast that with the the dear apostle here. He says for three years.
He was warning with tears.
How these there are Saints of God, and rather than the enemy is busy. And do we not need that character of ministry among us with tears, not to think we're anything or give to ourselves any importance, but all to help our brethren to strengthen them in any way we possibly can?
May the Lord exercise deeply in this matter.
The word of the impossible, my little children, of whom I again travail in birth, until Christ be formed in you, my little children, of whom I gained travail in birth. We know what that really means. The order for fruit bearing is desire, submission.
Travail, and as it is beloved in the natural, so it is in the spiritual.
What a heart of love, my little children, of whom I gained travail in birth, until Christ be formed in you. That's a real heart of love for those little children who had gone so far astray. The Galatians had gone completely wrong.
Old foolish Galatians who had bewitched you, Why, I've always enjoyed the reply of the apostle there.
About his little children he travailed, Mr. Darby says it's a kind of a double travail there. Yeah. Therefore, watch. It seems to me that this is a very important expression. The Lord repeated this over and over again to his disciples before his departure, and I'm thinking for the moment of.
The expression Watch unto prayer.
And not simply pray, but watch unto pray prayer. We find that one of the kings of Israel went to battle with musical instruments.
But it was at the watchtower that they received the blessing.
When they came to the Watchtower.
I'm I'm reminded also of Elijah that when he was told to go and tell Ahab that it was going to rain after 3 1/2 years of drought.
He did, but Ahab went out to eat and drink.
But the prophet got down on his knees and put his head between his knees and waited. And he sent his servant out, I believe seven times, wasn't it? And the 7th time we find that there was just a little cloud the size of a man's hand, and that's all that was needed. Didn't he know the blessing was coming?
Yes, he would've been told definitely to announce it.
But he was going to watch until it came. Now, brethren, the blessings coming. We're sure of that. The blessings coming.
You know, in our little assemblies when there are problems, remember, God wants to bless us, and I can give you a scripture for it. It's the third, third Psalm. We won't turn to it. Thy blessing is upon Thy people.
But he wants us to watch.
He wants us to be exercised, concerned Ahab may go off and eat and drink.
That the prophet is going to get on his knees and he's going to stay there the complete period of time that 7 suggests until the blessing comes your prophet the next very next day. Why he flees from Jezebel chose what four things we are.
How mightily he was sustained by the Spirit of God at that time, and making known the true gods there, Israel, when things were so terribly.
Yeah, we're so terribly sad. And yet how quickly he could lose his courage. So it shows that it's dependence that has to go on every day of our lives. We never can trust ourselves. And sometimes, you know, as we read in connection with putting on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand in the evil day.
But then it says, having done all to stand, one may be used to win a great victory and then be defeated right away. After that, our brothers talked to the young people about David, chose the danger, the very same man one time meeting Goliath and winning the victory.
Another time he goes down and sad and humiliating defeat.
To see Elijah after he had been so honored as to.
Restore, as it were, the testimony, destroy the prophets of Baal, and so on, that after the rain came, instead of exalting himself, he becomes a footman to run before the king.
Into the city he takes a low place now later on.
He did fail, but it's lovely to see how the Lord enabled him to act in grace and take a low place, to run before the King and to own again the authority of the King, even though the King was acting badly. Truths that we've had before us this morning, our brother. Hey Hose speaking about the dust of the floor.
Now I have another scripture with virtue, the same truth but in different.
Away and it's an easy verse to remember. Its second Kings 316 isn't that easy to remember 316 at this time. Edom was a terror in the days of Elijah and the host had been traveling seven days.
In this whole difficulty without water.
There was number no water. Now look how the victory is run.
And the host is refreshed. I should put it in reverse. The host is refreshed and the victory is one.
In verse 16 we see a marvelous truth. And he said thus saith the Lord, make this valley full of ditches. Now you know the valley is a low place, but when you have to get down, still lower and use a little energy diligence.
To dig ditches, that's God's mind that's getting down pretty low.
So of course the victory follows. I just want to add that to the dust of the floor. Now our brother Eric Smith was speaking about the travail of the Apostle in Galatians. Others have said the same.
And with that, Colossians chapter 2, a couple of verses, verses one and two.
The apostle says For I would that you knew what great conflict this is great to reveal. I have for you and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, that's you and me that their hearts might be.
Comforted being knit together in love.
And unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ.
In which?
Are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge? I thought those are worthwhile now when I was first saved in connection with this.
I command you to God, and the word of His grace the Evangelist. The first verse he recommended me to learn was Proverbs 1928.
He was a good warning for me to never forget. I wish I would never forget it.
Cease. Now you know what cease means. Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causes to err from the words of knowledge.
Now that was a good verse for a young convert and we need to be on our guard, dear young Christian and older ones.
Don't give any place to this new charismatic line of things connected with the.
With this work of the Church of Rome, of trying to reunite all together in one church, that's a work of the devil because it's going to succeed in uniting to Babble in the great, the mother of harlots. That is what it is leading to.
Now the other verse that I value very much with it I trust you do too, is.
I consider all thy precepts concerning all things. Now it's God's word concerning all things to be right. And I hate every false way. God is not tolerant like many in Christendom. He's not So what they would call broad minded. If we're going to be broad minded, it's going to be the mind of God.
Not this silly natural mind of man.
Of the apostle Paul the very first verse and the result is he lived that amongst them and they were one to his heart, how they loved him and we should love God's word that the apostle Paul is given to us.
And I want to say this, I knew of a brother. You all know you're very commendable brother. I had a lot to do with him. He held this principle. If Mr. Darby and Mr. Kelly are agreed, that's good enough for me. Now, that's good as far as it goes, but God's Word goes still further, and that is.
Prove all things, that is, by the word of God. Hold fast to that which is good. Now Mr. Darby and Kelly, if they were here with it, say Amen.
Wendy the old paths and the old landmarks, brethren, are not merely our finest old ministry. Our ministry is the most excellent there is, but there is not perfection, and they don't claim or pretend to it.
But we must test and take home and have the word of God for faith, our strength.
The reason for it is there must be the exercise of the conscience in connection with the truth, otherwise we become parrots. I was wondering about the just to go back here just for in this 30th verse perverted thing.
I have wondered if this wouldn't be deception.
Of a deceiving nature.
For instance, we find today some thoughts of compromising certain things. We have human prudence that comes in wisdom of man. And then I was thinking too of love of numbers. Perhaps I wondered if some of these things couldn't be among the perverted things to draw away disciples after them.
No concern for the flock of God, but a concern with their own wisdom and knowledge and get a following. Would that be in accord with this? Grant did just what Frederick Grant did. He would hold his private meetings in homes of a sympathizers.
While the assembly was gathered on certain special meetings. What a shameful way to be so anxious to justify himself.
And to build in his doctrine in the minds of those that would give an ear to it. So he was. He was finally given two nights of a hearing of his teaching, and the brethren had to reject it. And they used Titus chapter 3, verses 9 and 10. That is a heretic is one.
Mr. Wigram tells us that Herod.
**** or heresy means choice. It's one and the same truth as to Will will working and where the will is working to build up a little school of opinion to follow and get sympathizers. That's the mischief as a heretical teacher now not only Grant but Fe Raven.
And also BW Newton and one could keep on.
Naming leaders that had gift and ability and the plenty of followers. But brethren, we want to take the low place if it has to be going on with a few, a very few. Like in England, while some of those gatherings have only several, at the most they only have about a dozen I believe.
About that. And yet there's a sense in most of them of what a what a.
Difference between now and what it was 150 years ago, when there were thousands gathered to the Lord's name in England.
And they were rejoicing, and they they're, they're rejoicing rang out. So it reached afar. Well, brethren, we should be willing to go on with a few in humility. Another, brethren, we are becoming fewer and fewer. We have to confess that some are going back to the beggarly elements of the world. We've noticed that others are going back to.
Systems they professedly lived, which is very sad indeed. And others are throwing up their hands and quitting, saying if there's no more use, there's no use. But all this is wrong, beloved, and we would encourage one another this morning by remembering that God will maintain a corporate testimony in this world until the Lord Jesus comes.
No matter how low a state we may get into, God has He will promise.
To maintain a corporate testament in this world, where do you find it?
Follow righteousness, faith, love, peace with them.
Those two words have encouraged my heart during many years, and especially at a time when I sat under the ministry of Scott and Mace and Sinjin and those other champions in those days.
All how sad I was to find them.
Thinking more of a great number why they wouldn't preach in a in a little gospel hall.
I opened the meetings for them off times in theaters. They wanted me to help them and there would be none less than 1000 or 1500 and the last time I was with the Ascension and I was with him quite a bit.
Took the town hall.
Capital and filled it for eight nights with 2000 people and he spoke on the Psalms.
Nothing more than on the Psalm.
Had that all taken down in short hand and put into simple English, but the band that's got away with it, it's something that we've lost. It's been a real loss.
I lost all that ministry eight nights because the bandits got away with my bag that contained things that I treasured. But all beloved, let us never get down hearted about this. We ought to follow righteousness, faith, love, peace with them that call upon the Lord with them.
Doesn't that assure us that there will be a corporate testimony?
With them that call upon the Lord out of a pure heart, may we be content to go on with them. We are weak, but He is mighty. And there was a time in Bolivia when my first wife and I sat for two years alone. There was another, another soul with us, but we were comforted.
Even in that old Indian Hut with a flow of wet with the tears.
We were comforted with the fact that we sat down with the whole Church of God, with the whole Church of God.
Oh, beloved, let us not be discontented. We have found among the Saints in Bolivia that they will go on when they understand this truth that Christ is everything to the Father and that He is in the midst of His people. One day a missionary came to tell you who's in the service of the Lord for the odd years.
And said, why don't you come with us?
We are many, we are hundreds in Canada and the States and tell you he's looked at this young missionary of about 22 years of age.
A novice and he's quoted Matthew 18 and 20 where two or three.
Gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them. What happened to that missionary? He went off. Never saw any more of it.
All that dear tell you had the truth that Lord Jesus in the midst, he's everything, beloved, is he not everything to the Father? Of course he is. Is he everything to us? Oh, may he be everything to our poor hearts. Beloved, there'll be no trouble among us if we have that blessed one before the heart that spoils the soul. But I just went a little further than I expected, but it's.
Heart to speak about that.
As for the subject that we were mentioning, man's will entering in May, we remark this that in our local assemblies we are responsible to present the scripture and the truth that we believe to be right should a matter come up. And it's very important. Curse it, be he that holdeth back.
His sword from blood. But remember this, you're only one.
And you're in the assembly and there are others there. You have the responsibility.
To present the scriptures that may apply to the particular problem at hand.
That you'll have to leave it with your brethren and their consciences, if you insist on it. You have already started on a course that may lead to heresy. What is the thought? I I want to get cleared on this. In Mr. Darby's rendering of this 30th verse, he says, And from among your own selves shall rise up.
Man speaking perverted things.
Draw away the disciples after them. What is the thought with this? It's it's changed a little bit from the King James. Do you believe that Hymenius and Alexander were unsaved in the book of Timothy? Whether I believe one way or the other or we have a plenty of warning and such characters like in chapter 2 of harmonious and so on. And then in in the last chapter four we get.
Mentioned again how much, how much evil against the apostle, how he felt it in that same chapter.
They practically all getting up the apostle. They must have forsaken me, having loved this present evil world. Demas means popular and the world and going on in its ways might make one more popular, but.
To be an adversary of the apostle Paul like Alexander was does not look good. I don't know that that we can say whether he was real or not, but he doesn't look good, does he? No, no. But the point is this, that.
A believer may be especially used of Satan if he's out of communion, and the apostle in that case delivers them to Satan, so that we find that whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn.
Not to blasphemy, I don't think that said of Alexander, is it? So you see there there is such a thing as one who who may have been gone to A to a great extent in opposing the truth and still be a Christian so that we we need to watch not only for others, but for ourselves. Take heed to yourselves.
So that what we hold.
And what we teach must be.
From Communion, otherwise we cannot.
Be sure that we have the mind of God.
Nehemiah, if you remember that line of truth, Nehemiah could.
Ask for the Lord to remember him, how he had fed so many at his table. And Nehemiah was a large hearted.
Well, intending.
Leader of that remnant at that time.
But he did not lack the hospitality of providing for such as he had an opportunity to to feed. And we too ought to buy up our opportunities to be a little bit like the Apostle Paul.
Whose life was a life of devotedness and hospitality, such as you get in Hebrews 310 of the love to All Saints that is necessary in a testimony for Christ.
Be exemplified by men of like passions with ourselves when we think of Moses in the Old Testament and Paul in the New.
Both of whom might well have had the opportunity to do something of what was suggested here by leading a way. The disciples after them. The Lord said in the hearing of Moses, Let me alone that my wrath may wax hot against them, and I will make a thee a great nation. But how we thank God for the spirit of dear Moses, that would make nothing of himself in order that God.
'S beloved people might be nourished and fed and LED into the blessing that God had for them.
And when at the end of his long journey of faithfulness and long-suffering, the Lord said, Moses, I'm going to have to take you away because of, as our brother Anderson reminded us, what he had done at the waters of Marybeth. Moses, instead of getting upset about it, he said, oh Lord, if you're going to take me away, one thing I ask.
Please raise up a faithful servant who will lead these people into the land that you promised them.
No matter what happens to me, take care of this flock and lead them in the very opposite, to drawing away the disciples after him and dear Paul. Same in the New Testament when there were those who would willingly have made Paul their champion. Who then is Paul?
He was willing to be an absolutely broken down and hidden vessel so that anytime he had to refer to himself, it seems to be in lesser and lesser terms.
The chief of sinners, one born out of due time, not meet to be called an apostle less than the least of All Saints. Was he trying to draw away the disciples after him? No, he was trying to support the weak. And I think this is a good thing to remember, because I have no doubt, dear brethren, that when that poor wounded man picked up by the side of the road and led to the door of the inn by the Samaritan, stood there at that door and the innkeeper.
Look at him, he might well have said, no, we don't want people like that. In this end, look at his pitiable condition, see how weak he is to the point of helplessness. But the Samaritan had brought him there and said, take care of him. Oh beloved, I have seen this. I have seen brethren who have heard the Lord.
Say that to them, take care of him and have faithfully fulfilled that challenge.
And you see, those who would otherwise be turned out of the way, those who otherwise would have drifted far, have been by the grace of God supported and strengthened. And I believe this is a challenge to us. What a contrast to teach perverted things to lead a way. The disciples after after me think of what I would have to give an account of in the coming day, even though there might be.
Temporary honor here there would be.
The review of all that in the coming day, but to devote ourselves to the Lords, beloved people, and to support and encourage the weak, What a privilege, what a responsibility.
Well, when our brother Hajo has been inferring or referring to as we have in Hebrews 12 Concerning.
Our own path and the path of others.
Hebrews 12 and.
Verse 12.
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down on the feeble knees, and make streets pass through your feet.
Less that which is lane be turned out of the way, let it rather be healed.
I remember some years ago.
There was a sister who was isolated because her husbands work would take him away and he was doing trucking of hay and he had to go down to the valley to get the hay and he was away for certain weekends for quite a while.
But there was a sister who faithfully, after the breaking of bread, would call this sister long distance over the phone and give her the substance of what went on in the morning meeting. A little later, this sister said if that sister had not called me, I would no longer have been with a gathered Saints.
It was that which I received there through that sister that sustained me and preserved me in the path of.
The testimony that she related of what had gone on in those meetings and bringing before continued the person of Christ and remembrance.
Of his death, she was sustained and kept until she was able again to be at the meetings. Now, I thought that was just exactly what we have here, supporting and encouraging. And it isn't left to some brother who may be traveling around among the Saints. It's something that probably can be done more.
By a sister in many ways than a brother at all.
I was thinking, brethren of First Thessalonians 5 and verse 14. We exalt you, the apostle says, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. Now we found out that that word in the translation of the Scriptures into the Inca tongue, that word feeble minded, didn't mean that they were bereft.
Of any understanding, but they were under.
Deep sorrow.
They were weakened because of real sorrow. Now a certain Indian sister came to my wife and I with that sorrow. And I said, honey, what are we going to do with this sister? And it was, we prayed about it. And I said, well, it's going to cost something. We'll pray, but we'll.
Let this poor sister pour out her woes until she gets better.
And we kept her there five days, and I gave her two hours in the morning and 2:00 in the afternoon. And she poured out her woes and suddenly she got better. This is another aspect of it. She got better. Her poor heart was burdened and she was weak in her soul and pouring out her walls.
And it took a lot of patience and the strain, the mental strain too, because the poor woman was partly.
She wasn't, she wasn't out of her mind, but she was so depressed but pouring out her mind, her heart and listening to it, saying nothing but let her tell it out. She got better and was never anymore had no more trouble with her. This is another aspect of it. Are we spiritual enough with our brethren and sisters who are down under a wave to.
Them to sit down and pour out their sorrows and listen to them until they get better. Try it. This is the I believe the meaning of this verse. Comfort the feeble minded then.
The sentence of the Lord that He spoke on the earth.
Now most of his magnitude was received from the heaven. When he hear, he quotes the words of the Lord Jesus, just as I mentioned before.
And he spoke about the charge that who was fortressed with a lot of his own and was emphasizing and hear the word of our Lord Jesus Christ. There was no they were born he didn't you heard them from someone else didn't you didn't get them from the heaven. It's remarked about his trust and the only place we find them holy to find is on my heart connections. What our brothers what our brother Franklin asked and in that verse of.
Five, I'll read it again. You wrote it, you read it now. We exhort you, brother, warn them that are unruly. Comfort the feeble minded, supports the weak. Be patient toward all men. Well, how are we going to do it? Enjoy the remarks of another many years ago. And they said communion with the Lord is the power.
To do it and the Word of God is the guide.
And I thought it might be helpful to it. So often we just don't seem to have the power to say the right word at the right time. And we need to be exercised as to why. Seems our time is about up the 37th and 38th verses. I enjoyed very much your remarks, Brother Brown, as to the beginning and the ending of this chapter, how he he embraced.
At the beginning and then how the chapter ends and they all wept sore and fell on Paul's neck and kissed him. But I I'd like to ask, don't we have here something too that.
We should notice not only the fact that there was the love expressed in both occasions, and because of His ministry, because of His love for them, they valued the Apostle.
But it says, souring most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more.
Wouldn't it have been well also if they had sorrowed because of the fact that declension was going to come in, and that the testimony would be broken down, so that if there had been exercise of soul with them which he intended when he stopped, no doubt?
That there would never have been the record of the second chapter of Ephesians.
Where the place was outwardly going on well, but inwardly there was number, heart.
Because of the Revelation 2 Revelation 2 Ephesians Yes, I.
In all my Bibles I mark at the end of this verse. Well, let me see. Notice at the end of verse 25.
Shall see my face no more. I always print right after that.
Here when you get also to verse 18.
That they should see his face no more. I also print right above it HERE. Then I love to ask the Saints, Do you know what one sink cannot say to another? St. Some of you have heard me to see it right here. Well, they say this and that and so on. Or what? What we cannot say to another is this. I'll not see your face again.