Division Because of Him

John 7:43
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Address—A.C. Hayhoe
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Together hymn number one 10110.
Oh God, thou now hast glorified thy holy, blessed, eternal Son, the Nazarene, that crucified now sits exalted on thy throne. To him in faith we cry aloud, Worthy art thou, O Lamb of God, him as our Lord we gladly own.
To Him alone we now would live, who bowed our hearts.
For thy throne, and gave us all that love could give.
Our willing voices cry aloud.
Worthy art thou.
O Lamb of God, 110.
I would like to speak to you this afternoon about.
Divisions. Now that may sound rather alarming, but I believe it doesn't have the intent that you may have taken from the word.
I refer to those divisions that have occurred in this world because of the person and the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Four great divisions, I suppose we might say. One is the result of the coming into this world of the Lord Jesus Christ himself and the division that that coming presented here to men. The other is the division that was caused by the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yet another by his resurrection.
And yet another by his coming again. And each one of these.
Has its effect upon everyone of us here in this company this afternoon.
This is an address particularly to those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. No age specified children, young people, grown up ones, all I believe, I trust may find from the precious living Word of God, as it is presented to us, that which will find you and me.
On either one side or the other of those divisions which have come about.
Long ago. I don't remember when, nor can I even recall the occasion that caused me to do this.
I wrote on the last page of my Bible just after those words.
The end I wrote these words just 5 words.
What think ye of Christ?
I can't remember having written them there, but there they are in my own handwriting.
And it may have been on one of those occasions.
When I came to the end of reading this precious book and felt that that was the impact on my own soul from my reading of the Word of God.
What think ye of Christ? That's not only a gospel message addressed to those who are hearing the glad tidings of the grace of God, but my dear brother and my dear sister in Christ. I need to have that question often addressed to my own soul, and I trust that as we turn from page to page in the Word of God this afternoon.
That that very question may often address itself to our hearts again, what think ye of Christ? Will you turn with me, please? First of all, to John's Gospel. John's Gospel, Chapter 7.
And verse 43.
So there was.
A division among the people.
Because of him there was a division among the people. Because of him, if we were to go back to the coming into this world of the Lord Jesus, we would find an immediate and very evident division. We find on the one side a character such as Herod who wanted immediately to get rid of that one who had been born into this world.
On the other hand, we see such an one as dear old Anna the widow, whose heart was filled with joy and gladness because none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, had come into this world and all. My dear brother and sister in Christ, how glad your heart is this day.
That by God's wonderful and matchless grace, you are numbered among those.
Who can speak of Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior?
We see here a division of other people because of this person.
Who had presented himself to them? None other than God the Son. And as he presents Himself, as He identifies himself before them, they are divided. Some accept Him for everything that he claimed to be. They loved Him, they worshipped Him, they followed Him.
And others turned their backs.
And would have nothing to do with him except to find fault and to reject him. And beloved, I see that division in the world around me. You see it too. You see it at school, you see it where you work, you see it in your neighborhood. And I know that with a very glad heart you say, oh, thank God, that although I was once numbered among those who had no heart, no love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yet today, by matchless grace, you'll love him.
Is that true?
Is that true? If you cannot say yes, thank God it is, then, my friend, don't try to pass any longer as a Christian. If in your heart there is not merely the recognition of who he is, but a response of love that would truly say he is precious, then I warn you friend, don't try to pass as a Christian any longer.
I know that I look this afternoon into the countenances of many.
Who can say with a glad heart indeed, I accept Him for everything that He claimed to be, God the Son presenting Himself here among men. And when I read of this division because of him, oh how I thank God that these footsteps of mine, which could so easily still be on the broad Rd. that leads downward.
Are by God's matchless grace on that road where trod defeat of those who know the Lord Jesus Christ.
For everything that he claimed to be, will you turn over please with me to Chapter 9?
And verse 16.
Therefore, said some of the Pharisees, this man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabbath day. Others said, how can a man that is a Sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them.
This time it seems to be the miracles, the mighty works that He had been performing that brought about this division. The Person of the Lord Jesus Christ immediately brings with it the precious and wonderful privilege of standing on the side of Him whom God has presented to this world, and the solemn warning addressed to those who turn their backs against Him. But now.
I see these miracles performed. I know that all around us today there are those who question the validity of these accounts, who doubt that these miracles ever happened. Or else. And I think I should utter a word of warning about this.
There are those who would try today to imitate these miracles.
There are those who would try to call upon supernatural powers to present before the eyes of men that which would imitate what our Lord Jesus Christ did when He was here. My beloved brethren, I I feel it necessary that we be solemnly and repeatedly warned that there are powers.
Beyond those which you and I possess, there are powers that belong to God alone.
And there are supernatural powers in this world. There are the very powers of Satan himself.
I know that when we read the account of a poor naked man among the tombs, cutting himself with stones and unable to be bound, that folks read the account and they say, oh, what a tragic evidence of the shocking power of Satan.
But when you read of a young lady.
Following God's beloved servants, pointing them out and saying these men are the servants of the Most High God, which show unto us the way of salvation, who would dare to turn and attribute that to the power of Satan? But indeed it was a more dangerous and subtle form of the power of Satan. And my beloved friend, when I see the Lord Jesus here and the wonderful and mighty miracles of love and grace that he performed.
And those who stood by him and recognized who He truly was and the power by which those mighty miracles were being performed.
You thank God, and I thank God with an overflowing heart that that's where we belong by matchless grace. But we see those and we see too much of it today, that would try to call upon supernatural powers to deceive men.
And I have seen it. Doubtless you have seen it too. And the more I see of it, the more I recognize in it a very real danger and a very real call to those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ as our precious Savior to stand thankfully on the grounds.
Enlightened for us, and pointed out to us in a precious living word of God.
Oh, there is safety in nearness to the Lord Jesus Christ. There is safety in walking in the light and wisdom of the precious Word of God.
When I see those who have tampered with it, when I see those who have compromised here and there, the wonderful truth of this book, I see this kind of danger crowding in. And again, my beloved brethren, I warn you against it and recommend to you and to my own soul the increased necessity in these dark days.
Are both open blasphemy and subtle.
Teaching I recommend this precious book, The Living Word of God, with all its light and wisdom to guide our footsteps and nearness to the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone can keep us in these difficult days.
Could you turn over now, please, to the 10th chapter of John's Gospel?
And the 19th verse. There was a division, therefore, again among the Jews for these sayings. Three times in John's Gospel we find this same.
The same thing taking place, a division among them, because of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, because of the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ, and because of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And it is still true today. And I believe that as I lookout upon your faces this afternoon, I see those who, by God's wonderful and matchless grace, can look at the open pages of this precious book and recognize in it the infallible, the unchangeable Word of God.
And let our souls be warned against those who would tamper with it, those who would take from it, those who would add to it. Is it sufficient? Does it contain all the light and wisdom that we need in order to live, to please the Lord Jesus, to serve Him, to worship Him? Are we entitled to add a little here and there? Are we permitted to take a little from it here and there?
Are no, my beloved brothers and sisters, we have here open before us this afternoon that wondrous book in which are found all things that pertain unto life and godliness. This book in itself is a marvelous miracle. The long rhyme left here, the more I thrill to the wonder of it to take this precious book, the living Word of God.
To take it.
To wherever the Lord may send under heaven and find that it contains all the light and wisdom that we need to live. To please the Lord Jesus, to serve Him acceptably, to worship him according to truth. To answer the questions and problems that arise, no matter what the culture or background or thinking may be of those in whose company we may be found.
This book is sufficient. It contains all the light and wisdom that we need. But I'm going to suggest this, my dear brothers and sisters, that if you have not read this book from Genesis to Revelation, you're not completely equipped. You're lacking.
Part of the wisdom of God.
Shall I allow that comment to search us out a little bit?
Is there someone here who would have to raise his or her Bible and say I have never read this book from Genesis to Revelation?
I've skipped a lot here and there because I couldn't understand it very well. I hope you wouldn't have to say that.
I hope you would be able to raise the word of God and say thank God I have indeed read it and read it again and read it again. I don't claim to understand it all. I admit that there are many parts of it that I still do not see.
The purpose of God in it, but it has been read and God is able to take the pages of this precious book and bring them as light to our souls. And so we present to you this afternoon, beloved, the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the glory and the wonder of his person, the wonder of his miracles, the truth of his ministry. And we trust by God's very wonderful grace.
That everyone among us can say with a thankful heart, I know on which side I stand. What think ye of Christ, Beloved brethren, Now could we turn, For we mentioned the death of Christ as yet again bringing about a division. Could we turn, please to Luke's Gospel, chapter 23?
And verse 33.
And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him and the malefactors, one on the right hand and the other on the left.
A very, very dramatic and remarkable division here. The cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and our beloved Savior nailed to that cross, standing between these two malefactors. True, it's a very solemn gospel challenge here when we realize that the one who was on the wrong side was lost and lost for all eternity.
And the one who was on the side, the one who cried out, Lord, Remember Me, when thou comest into thy Kingdom, He, by God's wondrous grace, will be found in the courts of glory. But I believe there's something yet more challenging to our souls this afternoon as those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior remember when I was a boy, hearing often repeated.
The blood of Christ puts my sins away.
The death of Christ puts me away and the cross of Christ separates me from this world. Now I didn't understand that little statement, but I heard it often enough to remember it. The blood of Christ puts my sins away. That I did understand and for that I thanked God and still thank God with all my.
But then the next statement, the death of Christ, puts me away. I didn't understand that, perhaps because I didn't want to understand it too well. But I thank God, as I have read this precious book, and many another will say the same, then it was a very wonderful and marvelous deliverance to me to discover the significance of that truth.
As found in this precious book, I say again, not only the coming into this world, the presenting of the Lord Jesus to man brought about this division among men.
His person, His works, His ministry divided men, and we see it to this day. 1978 But now I say the death of Christ, the cross of Christ again produces a separation, and it's a glorious separation. For in the death of Christ I see an end to all that I was as a fallen, guilty son of Adam.
I see a standing now in Christ before God, which delivers me from the curse and guilt of the broken law, which delivers me from the ******* of sin under which I was held captive, and I stand this day. And the truth of God would say the same of you.
A new creature in Christ Jesus. If any man be in Christ, he is.
A new creature. Isn't that a glorious deliverance? Isn't that a wonderful and a precious reality? You know, when I was a young fellow going to high school, they used to try to encourage me to get involved in this or that. They would invite me here or there. And my answer often was no thank you, I don't want to go or I don't want to.
I was brought up in a Christian home. I can't say that I appreciated the restraint of a God fearing father and mother the way I do now that I look back upon it.
And my answer at school was very often no thank you, I don't want to. And then I would feel very.
Troubles, I would say to myself, you didn't tell the truth. You did want to and yet you said no. In fact, you said no thanks, I don't want to. And you know very well you did want to. And this troubled me until until I saw the wonder of the deliverance that was mine through the death of Christ. I saw that God looked at me as.
And saw me now as a new creature in Christ Jesus. I see this pictured at the Jordan River.
When Joshua took 12 Stones and set those 12 Stones in the bottom of that Jordan River.
And an Israelite could stand at the Bank of that river and see those waters. He could not see beneath them, but he could say beneath those waters there is a stone that represents me. And I didn't put it there. Joshua put it there for me. And I'll beloved, as I read here of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, as I see the division that took place even in the hour of his crucifixion.
Those who cried out away with him and the one lone voice that called him. Lord, Lord, Remember Me all. Beloved, I thank God with all my heart, and I know you do the same, that although you once stood Yonder among those who had no heart for the Lord Jesus, now by God's matchless grace, you are numbered among those who look back to Calvary and realize that.
They're not only was the blood of Christ shed to put away your stains of guilt.
But there the Lord Jesus went into death, there the Lord Jesus died, that you and I might be able to say. And I died with him. And I stand now a new creature in Christ Jesus. So that when such suggestions are put to me, am I entitled to say no thank you, I don't want to? Yes, indeed I am. And if a voice within me rises.
Says, but you do want to. I am perfectly entitled to say you be quiet. That's what has been put in a place of death by the death of my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, how this separates beloved. And it's a very challenging thing to say this for it's not simply a doctrine that we can stand up here and talk about.
I repeat again, the blood of Christ puts my sins away.
The death of Christ puts me away, and oh, how thankful I ought to be for that.
And the cross of Christ separates me from this world. Will you turn with me, please, to Galatians chapter 6?
Galatians chapter 6 and verse 14. But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me.
And I unto the world, oh, what a dramatic division, what a separation. We see here. If the coming into this world of the Lord Jesus Christ brought about that separation, the death of the Lord Jesus Christ has surely brought about a very real separation. And as I look at that cross.
And I see in it a symbol of shame.
Hatred, rejection, ridicule, mockery, all of the wretched heart of man could keep upon God's beloved Son, my precious Savior. And your heart says, thank God, my Savior too. Can we not understand what this means? The cross of Christ?
Whereby the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Is that a difficult division? Beloved brethren, is it difficult? Is it trying to your spirit or mind to realize that this mighty event has brought about a division? Are you glad or are you troubled by it? Do you wish to? I wish that we could join hands and kind of get along a little better with a world that cast him out and.
Crucified Him? Or are you not rather glad in your own spirit? For the very wonderful grace of God there has not only cleansed you from every stain of sin, has made you a new creature in Christ Jesus, but has put you over there and put the cross of Christ between you and the world that cast him out so long ago, and has never, never repented?
Never changed its mind. What kind of world is it today?
In some areas it seems clean and respectable and filled with all kinds of fine ideals and objectives. In others, it's nothing but Sodom and Gomorrah back again.
That all, beloved, when we see the cross of Christ.
See that which stands between US and the world. Let it be a respectable religious world, or let it be a degraded world. The cross of Christ stands between and there is indeed a division. And as I look out this afternoon into the faces of my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I know that with one heart and soul, you and I are so thankful.
For what he has wrought for us. But I asked my own soul, and may I ask yours?
Is this just simply a theory? Is there something that is perhaps a little difficult to carry out in a practical way? We have often seen, shall I say, a form of separation that really rejoices the heart.
We have seen a young lady in her bridal attire come down the island, join arms with that eager bridegroom who's been just waiting for this moment. And there they stand. And the one who performs the ceremony says something like this.
Do you promise that forsaking all other, you will cleave to him only so long as he both shall live? You've heard those words, most of you. And what do you hear as an answer to those words?
I've never heard any variation but one answer, and that is a glad happy I do. Now why would she say I do to such a proposal as this? Do you promise that forsaking all other you will cleave to him only so long as he boasts to live? You know there's only one answer. There's only one reason that would cause anyone to say I do to such.
Challenge of lifelong separation and devotion. That one word is love and all my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
If there is anything we can present to you.
And to my own soul this afternoon that would stir refresh in our hearts a response of love to the Lord Jesus Christ.
This hour will be worthwhile. He presented himself to this world in immeasurable love and they rejected him. The world was divided. They didn't want him. Thank God for the few who stood by him in love and affection.
We see Him nailed to the cross, and again we see a divided world. On the one hand, we hear the cry away with Him, crucify Him. On the other hand, a few trembling, terrified disciples whose hearts at least were true, even though they failed so sadly, as we were reminded this morning.
And our beloved, I tell you, I tell you with a sincere heart, it does my soul good to be here again in Walla Walla and look into the faces of those to whom the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is precious and the prayer of my soul, beloved, is this, that the person of the Lord Jesus Christ?
May ever remains real and precious to your soul and to this soul of mine, until that day when we see His wondrous face in the glory.
Shall I reach around? Shall I reach around the cross of Christ to join hands with those who are on the other side? They would reach around and invite us to join with them and accuse us of narrow mindedness, bigotry and whatnot if we refuse to go along with them but our beloved, the person and work of Christ once again.
Brings about a division, that's true.
But God's word would say, What think ye of Christ?
And all I thank God with all my heart, as I stand here for the memory of those dear men of God. And I think I should say, and women of God too, who walked that path of separation in faithful devotedness to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and in a glad submission to the light and wisdom of the Word of God. And what was the end of their journey? Disillusionment.
Distressed that they had ever done so.
Oh, but it is a joy to recall the memory of those who, as they drew near the end of this journey and the glory was just about insight, to see the happiness, the thankfulness, the eagerness with which they anticipated the glorious moment when they would see the face of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And yet you have seen others, you have seen those who were on the wrong side of this divided picture.
And you have seen their disillusionment, their misery and their fear as they approached the moment when they were going to leave it all behind.
Now I say, yet another event has separated as divided mankind, and that is the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Will you turn back with me please to Romans chapter 4?
Romans chapter 4 and verse 25.
Speaking here of our Jesus our Lord, who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again.
For our justification.
Raised again for our justification remember what you heard last night? Didn't it make you thankful that you were numbered among those included in such a statement as this our justification all when I see the empty tomb of the Lord Jesus Christ, I see again the world divided into two camps. Those who can say by matchless Gracie was raised for.
For my justification, but now if we turn over to the book of the Acts, Acts chapter 17.
We see a very remarkable significance connected with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, verse 31.
Because He hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. Isn't this solemn, beloved?
The fact that that tomb is empty, the fact that the Lord Jesus has risen from among the dead and is seated now at God's right hand in glory, brings joy and confidence to the believer, for He was raised again for our justification. But what about the unbeliever? Here is where that division takes place. God hath given assurance unto all men of that coming day of judgment. God has appointed the day.
And this is the assurance that God has given. He has raised the Lord Jesus from among the dead. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus yet again divides this world.
But I go a little farther. The Lord Jesus has not only been raised from among the dead, but he is seated up there at God's right hands. Oh, is your heart not glad when you read such language as that? What is the purpose of his being up Yonder at God's right hand? Here is one purpose. You and I know with glad certainty that God was satisfied with that mighty work.
And we are justified. But we read elsewhere in the Word of God, we read in Peter of the fact that he is gone into the heavens, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him. Isn't that a wonderful and a comforting statement?
Particularly in trying and difficult days like these, are you and I aware of the disturbed conditions that are around us? I know we are. The young and the old are alike aware.
A very disturbing conditions that are around us in the religious world, in the economic world, in the political world, there are problems.
Serious nature arising, multiplying, rolling in like a great storm. And I say in the moral world too. But beloved, how should this affect the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? You know, by God's wondrous grace which side you stand on.
You know that the person and the ministry and the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ bring joy to your heart.
For you say, he is God's beloved Son, and he loves me, and he died for me. You look at the cross of Calvary, and you see there again that which gladdens your heart. For you know that you stand on the side of those who look upon that mighty work as a redemption accomplished for you. And you look at the empty tomb and the ascended Savior. And here again, beloved, we see that which should.
Gladden and strengthen and stabilize our hearts.
For if I look around and I see the conditions that aren't developing, I will get very alarmed. I will get very, very pessimistic. I will perhaps feel that I should bend all my energies and efforts into stemming the tide of evil, into trying to remedy the difficulties.
That are looming so large on the horizon of this poor world. But beloved, what does God's Word tell us? The one who rose from among the dead is seated there at God's right hand, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
Isn't that a comfort to the heart?
You and I are living in the very last days of waiting, and I don't suppose we're really surprised to see the difficulties that are arising on every hand in this country. Yes, indeed, in other countries. Go and have a look and you'll say the same thing wherever you go. The problems, the darkness, the disorder, the chaos is becoming so evident. What does it do to the?
All it makes him look up and realize not only is the moment of our Lord's return near at hand.
But it makes us realize with increasing thankfulness that he who loved us and died to redeem us is up there now at God's right hand, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him. Where was the beloved apostle Paul when he wrote the words, Rejoice in the Lord all way and again I say, rejoice.
And he just sat down from addressing 1000 people who hung on every word, no?
He was.
He was locked up for the Lord's sake, and there over him was a tyrant called Nero.
Many, many things could have combined to have depressed the soul of that servant of God, but instead he writes, Rejoice in the Lord. O my beloved brothers and sisters, I know, I know that among those gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are burdens, there are sorrows, there are trials that bring us on our faces, that bring tears to our eyes.
But yet I love to quote to myself those comforting, cheering, precious words, when trouble like a gloomy cloud, has gathered thick and thundered loud. He with his church has always stood his loving kindness.
Oh, how good. I look up and I realize not only is that too empty, but He's up there, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him. And then if I were to turn to Hebrews 7, we shall not take the time, but we'd find there that the Scripture tells us that He's gone higher than the heavens. Oh, what a wonderful thrill of joy fills the soul as we read such words as these. Risen from the dead, yes.
But forth that you and I might know that we are justified has ended up there and seated at God's right hand. What for? In order that you and I might be able to look around and see the circumstances that are growing more dark and difficult every day and yet to realize.
He, the unchanging one, is still holding all in his firm control.
But then again, to look up and realize that God's Word says he has gone higher than the heavens.
Oh, doesn't that sound grand to you? As though he were looking down and saying to you and me.
There's something that means more to me than the control of all the affairs of the nations of this world.
What could that be for? I repeat, in order that he might have that control, he's gone into the heavens. But we read if he's going higher than the heavens, for what purpose? That you and I might have a merciful, sympathetic, faithful, understanding High Priest. Oh, my beloved brother, sister, let those problems of yours or of mine, be they personal, family, assembly or whatever.
What a joy, what a comfort it is to look up and realize that there is one up there at God's right hand, our merciful, faithful, understanding High Priest who will be there until that moment when he takes you there, His eye will never be turned away from you.
He loved you enough to go to Calvary's cross to redeem you and my beloved brother and sister.
He loves you still with that same love.
I think many of you may remember my father so often quoting John 15 verse 9.
As a father hath loved me, so have I loved you.
Continue ye in my love.
He urged upon us that we should repeat that continually, again and again every day of our life. When did you last say it to yourself? When did I? Let me quote it again. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you. Continue ye in my love. The Lord Jesus spoke those words.
In other words, the same measure of love that shone down from the heart of God upon His well beloved Son when He was a man here upon earth.
Is the very measure of love that shines upon you this very moment. That shines upon me this very moment. Let this poor cold heart of mind be what it may. His love never, never, never changes.
Is this an excuse for carelessness on my part? God forbid we often sing and yet to find thee still the same. Tis this then humbles us with shame, Oh my beloved brethren, to think that we have, there isn't and a descended Savior. And then another statement in Ephesians chapter 4.
Far above all heavens, all you think. Is there something even more exalted than what we have just been Speaking of? Yes, beloved, there is.
He's gone into the heavens that there he might exercise that control over angels, principalities and powers.
He's gone higher than the heavens in order that you and I individually might have a merciful and faithful High Priest, but far above all heavens. What can be of such great value and vital importance to him that such an exalted expression would be used?
What is it, our beloved brethren? It is the Church which is His body, the fullness of Him, that filleth All in all. This is what we have there in Ephesians and all. I say when I see this supreme language of Scripture Speaking of that exaltation, Speaking of the desire of His heart and the eventual fulfillment of that desire, I say to my soul.
What does it mean to me?
To know that I am a living stone in that church. What does it mean to me to know that I am a member of the body of Christ?
What does it mean to me to know that I am privileged to express that most precious truth here, while I await the moment when we're going to see all the redeemed of the Lord together? Ah, but that ought to mean a lot to my soul.
Will you forgive me, beloved brethren, while I digress? Digress, or just a moment?
To tell you of how it has stirred my soul to see that kind of desire in the midst of such great darkness and sought after at such great cost. I believe the Lord directed our way to India recently. We knew of none there.
Who shared the joy and privilege of being gathered to the name?
Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Could we perhaps picture it? Will you permit me please to speak very plainly?
To use great plainness of speech, picture, if you will, a Hindu country with all the darkness and the misery and the hopelessness of it, this awful, awful prospect of endless reincarnation in whatever form the gods might choose.
For there are millions of gods in Hinduism.
And in the midst of all that darkness, there come missionaries with this precious book, the Word of God. They hold it up and announce it to be the Word of God. And from its pages they proclaim. A God of holiness and righteousness, a God of love and mercy they proclaim.
The gift of the Lord Jesus Christ, salvation through his precious blood and souls are turned from the darkness of Hinduism to the light of the precious gospel that you and I hear so often and perhaps treat so lightly too. But then I'm going to speak plainly. What happens, These same missionaries who hold aloft the word of God and we thank God for the courage they've had to go there and tell it, what do they do?
They say now let's found a church and let's call it.
Let's call it the Lutheran Church. I said I was going to use great plainness of speech, and this is what happens. Another missionary will come with the same book, proclaim the same message, and when souls are saved, he says, now let's form a church. We'll call it the Presbyterian Church.
Another missionary comes, and I could go on and on. For over there you find just exactly what you find in this favored land of light and liberty. You find all those names, and some of them have become very puzzled, very bewildered. They say, Sir, how is this, that all these men have come to us with the same book, They have told us of the same God, they have told us of the same Savior, and they've left us all divided up into little companies, each with our own.
Name each with their own barriers and boundaries. And this is the way they put it to me. And now you've come along with yet another idea. What new religion is this you have come to found?
Wasn't easy to face that question. It was challenging. But beloved, we took this precious word and we thank you for your prayers. We tried to present to them from this precious book that which would not permit us to add one thought of our own to it. Not one word of our own, not one arrangement of our own, but it's to bow to the light and wisdom of this precious word alone.
And we found, thank God, an eagerness to recognize.
That there was still the precious and wonderful privilege of expressing that which God's Word speaks of with such wondrous honor and delight. The joy and privilege of being gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
To own and to bear no other name but his, to look up and to realize that they're Yonder. At God's right hand in the glory is the one who presented himself to men.
And men were divided. As soon as he presented himself, they nailed him to the cross, and men were again divided. He rose from the dead, and men were again divided. We take this precious book with all the light and wisdom of it, and men are again divided. What shall I do, beloved? What shall you do?
To take this precious book, the Word of God, to recognize that in it there is contained all. If we need all things that pertain unto life and godliness. Do you look up Yonder into the glory and realize that far above all heavens is seated the one who went to Calvary Head over all things to the church, which is His body.
And Oh my dear brethren, I I thank God for your prayers.
And I begged from you your continued prayers for those who, at a good deal of cost, reproach, mockery, ridicule, are now gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in that dark land. Has this produced division? Yes it has. Even in families there it has produced division.
Is it worth it, oh I beloved, to be true to the Lord Jesus Christ, to bow to the light of His precious word. Is this going to exist always? Is there always going to be this divided condition? No, thank God for the glorious moment that is now so near at hand, and your heart is glad at the mention of it. He is going to come again, and from every kindred.
Tongue and people and nation, every living stone in the Church of God, every member of the body of Christ, everyone sheltered by that precious blood, no matter where he or she may be, will hear the sound of that shout, and we will be together. He will present to himself that glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
Oh, what a day that will be. Let me remind you, my beloved brothers and sisters.
Let me remind you that in that day, you and I will not be able to make any alteration to the record that has been written of the time entrusted to us here. Quite often when I write a letter and then reread it, I realize that I omitted something that I intended to include, and I put PS and add a sentence or two at the end.
They tell me that's not very good correspondence procedure, but.
I've done it rather often anyway, and when I type those letters, PS, I sometimes pause and look at them and say to myself, I'm not going to be able to do this when I reach home. I'm not going to be able to add any postscript to the record of my life that will suddenly terminate when the sound of my beloved Savior's voice calls me home.
Oh beloved brothers and sisters, gathered to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
May the Lord preserve us and keep us bowing before the authority, the light, the wisdom of this precious living book. May the Lord keep us with our poor hearts, so prone to go grow cold, attached to Him whose love toward us never changes.
May the Lord keep the hope of our hearts burning fresh and bright within us as we realize that at any moment we're going to see the face of the one who loved us, presented himself, died that we might live, rose again, and is seated at God's right hand and is coming again. When I speak of His coming, it gladdens my heart and I know it gladdens yours.
For those things which have separated the Lord's people one from the other.
Will all be ended then, but there will be that eternal division.
And I close on a note in the gospel.
If he came right now.
You think he might? I hope he does, if he came right now.
What would happen in this meeting room? Everyone of the Lord's redeemed ones. In a twinkling of an eye, we'd be home together with all the rest of the redeemed. And when I say that?
My heart is just filled with an eager yearning logging.
When you meet here and there.
The Lord's own, and there's a language barrier between you, but you know they love the Lord and so do you. You just long for the day and you're all going to be together and none of those barriers will ever be known again. But what about this company gathered in this meeting room this afternoon? This has been an address to Christians I trust to stir and to encourage our hearts as we realize.
That the person and work of Christ is that which has found you and me on either one side or the other. But with eternity in view and the coming of the Lord so very, very near at hand, would you just ask your heart, please? You just ask your heart right now, if He came at this very moment?
Would you hear that shout? Would you go to be with him? Thank God, my heart says yes, I will be there together with all the redeemed. Oh, may the Lord stir our hearts. Beloved Saints of God, as we pick up this precious book and realize the all sufficiency of it, realize the light and wisdom that is in it.
Realize, too, that as we walk in the light of it, we are going to find.
That it will bring a place of reproach and ridicule and rejection even by those who are truly the Lords.