All Our Righteousnesses Are As Filthy Rags" Isa. 64:6

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A Christian was conversing upon the subject of salvation with a young man whom the world would call "good living." He was honest, upright, moral, respectable, religious and apparently quite satisfied that he was doing everything that was necessary.
He sought to show him that his own goodness was worth nothing.
"What," said he, "do you mean to say that doing all I can, and following my religious duties are all to no purpose?”
"What would you do if I were to bring a great heap of filthy rags into your shop?" was the reply.
"Kick them out," he said, very decidedly.
"And yet, though you would not have filthy rags in your shop, you think that you will be able to stand before God in your own righteousness, which His word declares to be as filthy rags.”
His countenance fell; he had never thought of it like that before.
Dear reader, what are you seeking to stand in? Have you nothing better than filthy rags? Is yours but a fig leaf garment? If so, cast it away this moment. Away with the last filthy rag. Take your place in self-judgment before God as a poor, naked sinner, guilty, ruined, lost, and He will clothe you in a manner worthy of Himself, and suited to your need.