The Death of a Young Skeptic

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
"I want none of your cant," said a young skeptic to a minister who sought to convince him of sin; "I am not going to die; and if I were, I would die as I have lived." And later on, when the physician informed him that there was no hope of his recovery, he exclaimed,
"O! tell me I'm not dying; I will not die!”
"My poor friend, I cannot speak falsely to you; your soul will, ere long, be with your God.”
"My God?" he exclaimed; "I have no God save the world. I have stifled conviction; I have fought against God; I have resisted my mother's pleadings; and now you tell me that I must die! Do you know," he added, in a tone of despair, "all that this means? If I die today I shall go to hell! Take it back; tell me I'm not going to die.
Father, 'twas you who taught me; you who led me on in this way, and now you say I'm to die. Stand back!" he shrieked, "I will not die!”
A torrent of imprecations followed these words. The poor mother was borne fainting from the room, while, great drops of agony rested on the father's brow.
How must that infidel father's heart have bled as, in the midst of dire cursing, his gifted son fell back a corpse!
Death leads the unbeliever to a place where there are no atheists. When hell is entered "atheism" is gone; there, too late, all believe and feel that there is a God.
Ah, be wise, and recognize the truth in time. God is, and your eternal interests depend on your relation to Him. By nature and through actual sin you are His enemy, and there is but one way to that reconciliation with Him in which lies our safety.
"God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5:88But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8).
God is infinitely holy, and sin is utterly obnoxious to Him.
"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts.”
Unbelieving reader, will you take Christ as your Savior now?