All Right a Week Ago.

A FEW years ago, some gospel services were being conducted in a tent, in a small town in the south-west of Scotland, and, during the weeks that the meetings continued, the power of the Lord was present to heal. Many turned from their idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven. Believers were also aroused, and among others was one who had been converted some three years. Meeting me one day, he pressed me to call and see his wife, who was unconverted. This I promised to do, and shortly afterwards called at his house, and had a talk with the woman, who was anxious about her soul. It was a pleasant privilege to point out to her the way of salvation. The waters of truth were to her thirsty soul as is good news from a far country. She heard, and believed, and in believing the report the arm of the Lord was revealed to her. Her doubts and fears vanished, and she was made free.
Six days afterward, she looked in upon a neighbor who was lying ill in bed; the conversation turned on the question of salvation. Her neighbor was full of fears, but the young convert joyfully told her that she had got rid of all her doubts and difficulties, to which the neighbor could only reply, “You are well off.”
The day following, while at the dinner-table, it came with power to me that I should call on this woman, who had been converted the afternoon of my first visit. I found her sitting on a stool in the middle of the kitchen floor. She was suffering from some illness, and on inquiry I found she had had a severe fright a year before, and had several times since felt her heart weak. She said she was so ill that she purposed going by the train, in the course of an hour, to a neighboring town, to see a fresh doctor.
I again asked how it fared with her soul. With a beaming countenance, she replied that it was all made right a week ago. Some more happy conversation followed, and then I left, glad to find her resting sweetly in the Lord.
She became seriously ill soon after my leaving her, and in two short hours she was in eternity! On her way to the railway station she had fainted, and was carried home, when she very soon fell asleep. Thank God for her testimony, that it was all settled a week ago.
Reader, is it settled with you?