Burning Words.

As a man’s soul is stirred up by the truth he teaches, so his teaching stirs others. Mere clear statements interest, but do not convict. Head knowledge and heart knowledge are not necessarily on parallel lines. God uses those whose hearts are full of the realities they utter, and such men are filled with the Spirit. Men who feel what they say, long for their hearers to feel what is said to them; hence the fervid words of young converts are so often used of God to awaken the careless and the indifferent.
“Do you believe what you are talking about?” said an infidel once to a lackadaisical preacher; and the infidel preached a more cutting sermon to the Christian’s heart than the christian had preached to the infidels.
Flames of fire have irregular tongues, and burning words dart out of men’s souls and burn into the souls of others. “Religion is a matter of opinion now-a-days,” is a common saying; but burning zeal for souls is no more a matter of opinion than is a live coal from off the altar.
NOTE. ―Our friend Mr. Levinsohn has kindly rewritten his life for our Magazine. The story is of the greatest interest, and shows the wonder working hand of God in our own day. We trust its perusal will arouse in every true Christian reader a deep desire concerning the salvation of the Jews.