All Ye That Pass by, to Jesus Draw Nigh

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
All ye that pass by, to Jesus draw nigh;
To you is it nothing that Jesus should die?
Our ransom, our peace, our surety He is;
Come, see if there ever was sorrow like His.
The Lord in the day of atonement did lay
Our sins on the Lamb, and He bore them away;
He died to atone for sins not His own;
The just God has punished for us His dear Son.
Love moved Him to die; on this I rely;
My Saviour hath loved me, I cannot tell why!
But this I can tell, He loved me so well
As to lay down His life to redeem me from hell.
With joy I now prove, divine was the love!
A wonder to all both below and above!
When time is no more, I still shall adore
The One who once died, and lives evermore!