The gospel of Thy grace
My stubborn heart has won;
For God so loved the world,
He gave His only Son,
That whosoever will believe
Shall everlasting life receive—
Shall everlasting life receive!
The serpent "lifted up"
Could life and healing give;
So Jesus on the cross
Once died that we might live:
For whosoever will believe
Shall everlasting life receive—
Shall everlasting life receive!
"The soul that sinneth dies":
My awful doom I heard;
I was forever lost
But for Thy gracious word
That whosoever will believe
Shall everlasting life receive—
Shall everlasting life receive!
"Not to condemn the world"
The "Man of Sorrows" came;
But that the world might have
Salvation through His name:
For whosoever will believe
Shall everlasting life receive—
Shall everlasting life receive!