The Heavenly Bridegroom Soon Will Come

 •  1 min. read
The heavenly Bridegroom soon will come,
To claim His bride, and take her home,
To dwell with Him on high.
Trim your lamps and be ready,
Trim your lamps and be ready,
Trim your lamps and be ready,
For the Bridegroom's nigh.
The Bridegroom comes, let no man doubt,
Alas, for those whose lamps are out!
They'll find no oil to buy.
Who ready are shall enter in;
The marriage feast will then begin,
And every tear be dry.
The righteous, saved forevermore,
Their God shall ceaselessly adore,
In bliss beyond the sky.
O sinner! ere it be too late,
Flee now to mercy's open gate,
And join Christ's waiting band.