I went into a railway car, and as soon as I sat down a lady opposite me leaned forward and said, "May I ask if you are on the Lord's side?"
"Yes, thank God, I am.”
"Is it long since you were able to say that?" she inquired.
"Yes, many years; and I find Him more and more precious as the days go by. In fact, I cannot imagine how one can go through life without Jesus Christ as Savior and Friend.”
"You may well say that. But I have, alas, met many who do not want Christ, and do not care to hear about Him.”
The train stopped at a station and two ladies and two men came in and sat down near us. My friend lost no time in giving her message to each newcomer.
"Madam, do you know what it is to have Jesus Christ as your Savior?”
"Sir, are you on the Lord's side?" And then she said a few words on the importance of having this matter settled.
Those to whom she spoke gave no reply. One lady turned her back on her and looked out of the window, and a gentleman read his newspaper and paid no heed to her question.
At length she arrived at her station and left the car. One of the ladies said, "That's all right; if she had not left, I was going to change my seat. I could not stand that sort of creature.”
"Poor lunatic!" said the other lady; "she ought to be locked up.”
"Such a ranting old woman should be buried alive," sneeringly said a young man.
How strange I thought, as I left the train, society must be on a very wrong basis. One may talk about anything and everything except about the Lord Jesus Christ. If anyone ventures to speak about the God who made us, and the Savior who died for us, one is shunned or laughed at, or at least considered "very peculiar, a little lacking, not quite right, you know.”
Why is this? Why should we banish Him from our conversation Whom to know is life everlasting? How would we feel if Christ Himself asked this all-important question, as He does?
"What think ye of Christ?”