O, guilty, ruined one,
Flee to the Lamb of God;
For Jesus, God's dear Son,
Came from His blest abode,
To die for you that you might live:
O, will you not on Christ believe?
O, heavy-laden one,
To Jesus flee for rest;
O, weary one, lay down
Your head upon His breast.
He waits the burdened to relieve,
O, will you not on Christ believe?
O, weary, toiling one,
Why ever toil you so?
The work was all well done
By Jesus long ago.
And now 'tis for you to receive:
O, will you not on Christ believe?
Despairing, sin-sick soul,
All helpless and undone,
If you would be made whole,
Believe on God's dear Son.
'Twas such as you He died to save,
O, will you not on Christ believe?