An Old Diary

I came across an old diary the other day speaking of our gospel work in Exeter in 1889 and 1890. One or two extracts from the diary I should like to copy here, showing how God answered prayer in those days of great blessing: —
Sept. 8th 1889 (Sunday). — The Victoria Hall was again, in answer to prayer, full to overflowing. In the Inquiry room many were found seeking the Lord, and two definitely confessed Christ. Monday, Sept. 9th 1889. — The room full at the prayer meetings Sunday, Oct. 5th 1889.―5:30 p.m.: The prayer meeting room was full to overcrowding, several brothers and sisters having to stand. The spirit of prayer much felt. 6:30 p.m.: The Victoria Hall was very full; not room to stand comfortably. 8:30 p.m.: Many went to Inquiry room; two confessed Christ.
Sunday, Feb. 23rd 1890, 8:30 p.m. — A good meeting after the preaching; four confessed Christ.
Sunday, March 9th 1900, 8:30 p.m.— A grand time in the Inquiry room; three souls confessed Christ.
Sunday, March 16th 1900, 8:30 p.m. — Inquiry room full; many prayers offered for the anxious; two confessed Christ.
Sunday, March 23rd 1900, 8:30 p.m. — A blessed time in the inquiry room; souls being saved here, there, and everywhere. “How good is the God we adore.”
I quote these extracts from a diary kept by a brother at that time to encourage our hearts to wait upon the Lord. It was prayer brought the blessing then; it is prayer will bring it today.
Thank God our brethren at Southall have opened a local picture theater for the gospel on Sunday evenings. I give the following extract from a letter I have received, and ask your prayers on their behalf: — March 25th 1914
Dear Brother,
You will be interested I know to have a report of our first Gospel Meeting, which was held last Lord’s Day evening at a local picture theater....
The congregation numbered nearly four hundred. The hall has a seating capacity of 500 to 550. We are looking to the Lord to fill it for us, and would ask the dear brethren there with you to join with us in thanksgiving for answers to prayers already, and for increased blessing in the future.
I am confident there is a great work here which is but beginning, and we need your prayers.
J. A. J.
Thank God for this gospel effort. May the work spread and blessing result. What we want in these last days is a united effort of this kind all over the country.
Palladium, Exeter. — We ask your prayers for our meetings there. God is giving us great encouragement.