The Church

GOD’S church built up with lively stones, each stone added being a blood-washed, purchased, and redeemed soul, and when that last stone is gathered in, which stone may at this moment be lying deep in the mud and mire of earth’s surroundings and pleasures, earth-bound, shall in our heavenly Father’s moment be plucked from the burning pit of sin, and become as a polished stone in the Lord’s temple. It will complete the grand bride-church for which He so patiently waits during this day of grace. Then, when the welcome sound of “the voice of the archangel and trump of God” shall reach the waiting, listening ears of His redeemed children, we shall in triumph, and in one united company, “rise to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” So it is not “With what denomination do I worship?” but “Are you a lively stone cemented on to that one body and building whose Maker and Builder is God?” It may be you are only a poor, worthless stone, yet remember God is the Polisher; “we are the clay, He the Potter”; He the “Author and Finisher of our faith.” And although little in faith, still for all that, you are a member of that one body, if indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Oh! then, ere it is too late, ask yourself solemnly, “Am I a member of Christ’s body, the church? or am I merely clinging to sonic man-concocted system that often drowns men in perdition?” For if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
K. H. S.