"I Want no one but Jesus"

IN a well-known favorite seaside resort, a lady and her husband came to live. They were Roman Catholics. Shortly after settling down, the wife took a severe chill, which resulted in an acute attack of pneumonia. When the doctor told her that she could not recover, her husband was very anxious that she should see a priest, and get absolution for the repose of her soul. She answered, “No, no! no one but Jesus can do me any good: I want nothing else now. Only Jesus! He only can do me good now.” And a few hours later she passed away with a look of rest and peace.
Her poor husband was greatly distressed, and her remains were removed to the Roman Catholic church, where prayers and lighted candles were in requisition until the body was laid in its final resting-place. Of no avail was all this. She was beyond it an — at rest, forever with the Lord.
Perhaps you may not have a death-bed. Then do not delay, if unsaved, to get this most important of all questions settled. Turn at once to the Lord Jesus as the “only One who can do you any good.” Yes, he can and is willing to save you for time and eternity! “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:1010For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)). By this printed page He is seeking you. Oh, then, let Him save you now.
A. E. A.