Availeth Much

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There are many examples in Scripture that national prosperity does not lead to the increased fear of God; in fact, it is too often the case that in enjoying the blessings which He gives, we forget God Himself. It was when Jeshurun “waxed fat” that he “forsook God” (Deut. 32:1515But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. (Deuteronomy 32:15); see also chap. 8:7 to end). But if in times of prosperity we are apt to forget God, in periods of adversity, the thoughts of men turn to Him. This being so, the present time of sorrow and distress in the world may become, both to the believer and to the unconverted, one of much blessing. To us who believe God’s Word as to the position of those who die in their sins, it is a time for earnest prayer. Many are sobered, and it is our part to pray that they may not miss the present opportunity. It is with a view to encouraging one another in prayer, especially with reference to the gospel, that the following lines are penned.
In His merciful government, God has given us in this land, peace and prosperity for many years, but now He has allowed a war appalling in magnitude, and in the sorrow and distress it occasions. Indifference and godlessness had sadly increased amongst the nations during recent years. Science and education made rapid strides, but God was largely left out, and His Word set aside. Amongst the intellectuals, destructive criticism and science, falsely so-called, had undermined the very foundations of the faith, and their baneful influence soon permeated all classes. But now man’s pride has received a rude shock, and his boasted civilization has been found wanting. God has come in. The powerlessness of politicians, the horrors of the battlefield, and the appalling loss of life, have made men think. The believer sees in all, the hand of God, and we, as His people, can only humble ourselves before Him, feeling the lack of piety in our own lives, and the poor testimony we have been to the world around us.
But while recognizing His hand on the nations, we remember His ways are also in mercy, and knowing that it is still the day of grace, we may be assured that if He allows sorrow and distress, it is that men may be undeceived and turn to Him. The present calamity is surely His voice to all, and it appears to be a divinely given opportunity for the world, ere the Lord comes. For this reason it is a special call to those who know the gospel, and desire the blessing of souls, to service and prayer.
The special opportunities for service in our own land are numerous enough. Sorrow has filled many homes, anxiety for dear ones exists everywhere, and thousands of men are leaving our shores perhaps never to return. It is a time to minister the oil and wine of the gospel, as well as the solemn warning of God’s Word. Thank God! many are spreading the glad tidings, especially among the men in the service, and portions of His Word have been circulated on an unprecedented scale. God is abundantly blessing these efforts, but tens of thousands remain to be reached.
Though we find opportunities for service, there are many homes we cannot reach, and we are debarred from taking part in many of the efforts put forth, both at home and abroad. But it is here where prayer comes in, and may not this be our special service at this time.
We are exhorted in this chapter to pray for others, and we are reminded, not that Elias was a mighty prophet, but that he was a man subject to like passions as ourselves, yet he prayed earnestly, and God answered. The Spirit of God assures us that prayers of a righteous man avail, and avail “much.”
God desires the blessing of His creatures, and when we see His hand in judgment, and know that His voice is speaking to many, it is our privilege in an especial way to intercede for them. We are encouraged, therefore, to come to Him, whether it be for a blessing on His children, or for the bereaved homes, or for the suffering and dying, or for His Word circulated in this land and abroad, knowing that He invites our intercessions, and assures us that the prayers of the righteous are of much avail.