The Mother's Trust

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Beneath the blood-stained lintel
I with my children stand;
A messenger of judgment
Is passing through the land;
There is no other refuge
From the destroyer’s face -
Beneath the blood-stained lintel
Shall be our hiding-place.
The Lamb of God has suffered,
Our sins and griefs He bore;
By faith the blood is sprinkled
Above our dwelling’s door.
The Lord, who judges righteously,
Has given that sacred sign:
Tonight the blood-stained lintel
Shall shelter me and mine.
My Saviour, for my dear one
I claim Thy promise true:
The Lamb is “for the household” -
The children’s Saviour too.
On earth the little children
Once felt Thy touch divine;
Beneath the blood-stained lintel
Thy blessing give to mine.
O Thou who gave them, guard them -
Those wayward little feet,
The wilderness before them,
The ills of life to meet.
My mother-love is helpless;
I trust them to Thy care!
Beneath the blood-stained lintel -
My place is ever there.
The faith I rest upon Thee,
Thou wilt not disappoint;
With wisdom, Lord, to train them,
My shrinking heart anoint.
With all my children, Father,
I then shall see Thy face -
Under the blood-stained lintel -
The token of Thy Grace.
O, wonderful Redeemer,
Who suffered for our sake,
When o’er the guilty nations
The judgment-storm shall break,
With joy from that safe shelter
Shall we then meet Thine eye,
Beneath the blood-stained lintel,
My children, Lord, and I.