A happy, lively, but often naughty little girl skipped up to me one day. “Teacher,” she said, “Last night Mommy and Daddy and Little Brother and I were in our boat and I fell out! Daddy jumped into the water to get me and lifted me back into the boat. I was so cross!”
“Barby, why were you cross?” I asked, surprised. “You would have been drowned in the deep water if your father hadn’t saved you.”
“I was cross because my head got bumped,” said Barbara.
What a foolish little girl! But aren’t we often just like Barbara? We too sometimes fall out of the happy circle where we are enjoying the love of Jesus, and though we cannot be forever lost if we have believed on Him, we may become very cold and unhappy away from Rim. We must let “firm bring us back right away, but sometimes we get hurt, just like Barbara did, when He corrects us for our naughty ways.
He always speaks gently first, hut sometimes He has to send a sorrow to bring us back to Him. If you, dear reader, are one of God’s children, cleansed in the precious blood of Christ, remember that every trouble and sorrow in your life is sent in love from God your Father. Do not be cross, like Barbara, but thank Him for bringing you back into the happy circle of His love.
ML 04/30/1950