It was a very pleasant spring day. Betty was walking slowly along the river road, enjoying every minute of it, when a car drew up beside her. The driver leaned out the window. “Could you tell me where John Thompson lives?” he asked.
“Just across the bridge you’ll see a signpost with his name on it, pointing to the right,” answered Betty.
“How is the road, could I get through?”
“Oh, yes, I think so. In fact,” she added with a smile, “I pass the signpost every day on the way to school, but I’ve never followed it.”
Now, my reader, you too are in the springtime of life, and we have stopped today to ask you, “Do you know where Jesus lives?”
“Yes,” you say, “He lives in heaven.”
“Right, and what is the way to heaven? Can you tell me?”
The Bible tells us about the Lord Jesus, the only Way to heaven, and many faithful Christians are like signposts too. (You ought to be “a signpost,” if you are saved.)
Now must, you say, as Betty did, that you know the way, and have often been pointed to Christ, but you have never followed it?
The driver found John Thompson’s home that day, and a welcome too, but Betty never did. She just never took that turn, although she knew it well.
Are you one of those who know well the way to heaven? Have you heard many a time that the Lord Jesus died on Calvary’s cross to save sinners? Hundreds of people have turned to Him and found a welcome, but what about you? Oh, my reader, wouldn’t it be dreadful to know the way to heaven, and yet find yourself in hell just because you would not come in God’s way!
The Lord Jesus said,
ML 05/14/1950