Be in Time

Gospel—Michel Payette
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#25 We'll start with #25 three more here. Life, at best, is very brief.
Like the falling of belief, like the binding of a sheep, be in time, eating days are telling fast that the dye will soon be cast.
And the fatal line be passed.
Be in time, be in time, be in time while the voice of Jesus calls you Be in time. If in sin you longer wait, you may find no open gate and your cry be just too late. Be in time. Someone that raised a tune for us please.
And respond to everything here and see if your eyes go away. Oh, you have no cost. You'll never give me yourself.
Uh, we're not together at six PM 69 per month. We're going to get the 30/01, 2:34.
Let me see if it's here. We're going to be on the phone tonight together. Now you're going to see anything. Do you have anything? I can't do anything. I can't. I don't know if I'm going to have anything to do.
Very nice.
Very important.
ING up with this, I'm proud of you to begin and cry.
We have to stand you on the right way. You're going to make A52, 10-4 Christian Airways.
I'm going to try and do that everything.
And, umm.
And you're proud, that's all. You're up leaving him. Umm.
Oh my God, I see my heart.
And time.
During the time.
Clearance and the water and the world's a lot of stuff to be in the following you're seeing here.
It's, it's bad, you know all those kind of arthritis, you know the right side together.
Look, to the Lord our God and our Father, we thank you for this hymn.
Reminds us of the Lord Jesus still calling us this evening. And we do pray that this evening none will put it off. This beautiful opportunity coming from the lips of Thy Son our Lord Jesus and from His heart to come to Him. And we pray none would be late and none would cross a fatal line and be too late. And we pray for blessing and help us as we open my word and speak to each of our hearts this evening. We pray and thank.
Nasty Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.
By singing his hymns reminded me of.
Thing that happened to my wife and I on one of our trips to Cuba. We were leaving in November and, uh, our flight was 10:00. We have about an hour's drive to get to the airport and, uh, we left home about 6:00 in the morning. And they say you should be at the airport, you know, at least two hours, 3 hours before the flight starts. But so we had four hours and, uh, so we left at 6:00 in the morning.
But what happened was there was some ice on the road that night and some snow.
And most of the Quebec drivers who put their snow tires on hadn't put them on at that time. And the traffic was a mess. And it took us 3 hours to get to the airport. We were there just a bit after nine. The flight hadn't left, but they had closed the office. There's nobody at the counter there. And we, we missed our flight. We thought we were on time and we planned to be on time.
But we were late and we missed our flight. We had to book another flight. Finally we got there, but still.
You know, if they told me, their company said we're going to come over to your home.
With the bus, we're going to pick you up and that plane is not leaving until the bus arrives. That'd be perfect. So we didn't worry about the weather, worry about what time you leave. You just get on that bus and whenever it leaves, the flight is going to leave with the people on that bus. And I like to think of the gospel that way.
Tonight you can have full salvation before you leave this room.
You can be on time.
And not miss the Lord's coming.
Now perhaps you're gonna put it off as some people do.
I can't guarantee you that you're not going to miss the coming of the Lord.
But I can guarantee you tonight that if you accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, if you haven't done it before.
You do this very evening. You can be on time. That's absolutely short.
By getting on that bus, I'm going to take you to the airport and that flight is not going to leave until the people on the bus get on the plane.
Well, let's look at some scriptures this evening, because.
We have the word of God before us, John chapter 8. Our brother yesterday spoke from John chapter 4.
About a woman who had five husbands and was living with a man. It wasn't her husband. We have a similar situation, you might say, of a moral character in John chapter 8.
And we read from verse one.
Gospel of John chapter 8, verse one. Jesus went into the Mount of Olives, and early in the morning he came again into the temple. And all the people came unto him. And he sat down and taught them. And the scribes and the Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery. And when they had said her in the midst, they said unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery in a very act.
Now Moses in the Law commanded us that such should be stoned.
I would say style.
This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. That's an italics, so you could skip that finger wrote on the ground, verse 7. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself and said unto them.
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground, and they would heard it being convicted.
By their own conscience went out one by one, beginning at the eldest even unto the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man that condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee. Go.
And sin no more.
You know.
This woman.
She didn't come to the Lord by herself, she was brought there by the Pharisees.
For an evil purpose.
But I expect to see that woman in heaven.
They wanted to put a trap before the Lord because Moses told us to stone her. What are you saying?
You know, they were very partial because she had been caught in the very act and what she did you can't do by yourself. There had to be two there and the other guilty party.
They didn't bother to bring him to the Lord.
You know, I've enjoyed the details in Scripture of the Spirit of God giving us.
Mimics with miracles, sometimes the Lord putting his hands over the eyes or fingers in the ears and.
And what does he do here?
East Toothstown and he writes on the ground with his finger.
Now, if I was gonna write on the ground, maybe you've written on the sand here on the beach. I don't know. If you're gonna read right on the ground, you're probably gonna use this finger here. You're gonna start writing, you know, pretend it's a pencil and you're gonna, you know.
And the Lord stooped down and I think he used his finger. He started writing on the ground. Doesn't tell us what he wrote, you know.
But it tells us in this chapter that he wrote twice on the ground because after he spoke to them, he stooped down again and he wrote again on the ground with his finger. The word ground here, same word for earth, you know, in the Old Testament.
God had written twice on the earth with his finger.
In the New Testament, here's God manifest in flesh.
Riding twice on the ground with his finger.
Deuteronomy Chapter 9.
Deuteronomy 9.
And verse 10.
And the Lord delivered unto me, This is Moses speaking. And the Lord delivered unto me two tables of stone written.
With the finger of God and on them was written according to all the words which the Lord spake with you in the mount. Utter the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.
If you know a bit of the Old Testament history, when Moses came down from the mountain with the two tables of law written by the finger of God, he came into the camp.
And they were already disobeying the first commandment, not having another God before them. They had a golden calf.
That Aaron had.
Prepared for them.
So Moses takes the tables of the Lord. He didn't drop them, he threw them on the ground and he broke them because the law was broken already.
As soon as it's been given, it was broken. It was a broken law.
And if God, if Moses brings a broken law in the people that were supposed to keep it, they would have had to die and be condemned for breaking God's laws.
So Moses has to go back on the mount and God writes the same tables again with his finger.
On two other tables of stone that Moses brought.
And when Moses brings those down, he puts them in an ark of wood.
I'd like to see a parallel here with the Lord.
I think he was writing the commandments. I can't affirm that, but I enjoy it that way. He was writing the commandments. I wonder what he's writing there.
I think I better go, he said. Those of you that are without sin cast the first stone. I'm going to go home.
From the eldest to the youngest, you know, sometimes we're young and we say, well, you know, I'm improving.
Getting better all the time, you know.
What's the last commandment?
The last commandment says Thou shalt not covet.
Somebody can be sitting at meeting and having his Bible open, having his hands like this.
And he looks like he's meditating and thinking about the Lord.
But he's thinking about his friend since 15 speed bike he'd like to have for himself. He's coveting. Doesn't look like it.
But he's coming and something in his heart that God sees and says you're not allowed to do that. The law says thou shall not covet.
Let's say specifically your friend's bicycle, but that's what it means.
And so as they look down after he said, those are our reception cast the first stone, they started leaving.
And if you had been there, if I had been there and I was looking at what the Lord was saying.
And if he was writing the commandments, I'd have to say, well, I can't cast a stone at that woman. Was there a person there that could cast a stone at that woman?
There was one, one that was without sin, the Lord Jesus himself.
We didn't pick up a stone to cast a stone at her. He didn't come to judge and condemn.
He came to save and what did he say to her? He says.
Woman, where are those dying accusers that no man condemned thee?
You know if you read a bit earlier on and John's Gospel chapter 5.
And verse 45.
Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuses you, even Moses.
In whom you trust.
You know most is given the law.
And they brought that woman to the Lord Jesus and said, what did Moses say about her? Moses would accuse her.
She did this.
And the Lord didn't say, but you did this.
He wrote on the ground. He didn't come to accuse.
He came to save and so he's writing on the ground there. So he's not pointing the finger at it, at that woman or anyone else. And tonight, the Lord Jesus, not pointing a finger.
With having you consider if you stand before him.
He's going to have to bring in judgment.
Those things that you've done, read John chapter 3.
John 318. We read verse 1617 quite often. I'm sure you know John 316.
He that believeth on him is not condemned.
He that believeth not is condemned already.
Because he had not believed on a name in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
So, you know, if you stood before God on the basis of the law of Moses.
She would be condemned, they would be condemned, I would be condemned, we would all be condemned.
But if you my friend tonight, young person.
You stand before the Lord Jesus.
God is going to ask you.
Why you did not believe on the name of the Son of God?
He that believeth on him is not condemned.
But he that believeth not is condemned already. And why is he condemned? Because he's a Sinner.
Moses condemns people that are sinners.
They're condemned because they believe not in the name of the only begotten Son of God. That's what brings.
Their condemnation?
Read John chapter 12.
John 12, verse 48.
He that rejected me and receiveth not my words.
Had one that judgeth him, the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him.
In the last day.
The words of Moses.
The words of the Lord Jesus.
We're not living in Old Testament times. In the Old Testament times, they had sacrifices and God had provided for them in His mercy. I wait for forgiveness because the sins that He forgave were laid on the account of the Lord Jesus. When He came, He had all that had been forgiven or laid aside in the Old Testament by the Lord.
Sins committed before were not punished, they were to be put on the Lord Jesus on the cross.
And the ones that we committed after to be put on him on the cross, and yours have been committed after.
The Old Testament, they had sacrifices to put it on the Lord's account.
In the New Testament, there are no sacrifices to put it on the Lord's account.
It's believing in the name of the Son of God. It's receiving the Lord Jesus your Savior.
Turn with me now to Revelation Chapter 21, Chapter 20, rather Revelation Chapter 20.
Revelation 20 and verse 11.
And I saw a great white throne.
And him.
That sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them.
You know Scripture tells us that all judgment is given unto the Son.
And he's the one sitting on that throne. Great White Throne speaks of holiness and him that sat on it.
The Lord Jesus Himself.
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God.
And the books were opened.
And another book was opened, which is the book of life, And the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books according to their works.
I don't know how many books there were.
But it's books in the plural.
God had the Old Testament written.
Young man comes to the Lord in Matthew 18. He said, what must I do to inherit it? Everlasting life?
Just keep the law.
Somebody keeps the law. There's a promise of life in the law.
The Lord isn't teaching us that now in the New Testament, but He was answering this man, this man's question, this Jewish young man's question.
Keep the law. If you do these things, you'll live by them. It was a promise connected with not sinning.
Nobody could inherit the promise, because nobody did not sit except the Lord Jesus. So if we own the book of the Old Testament.
And we reviewed your life and my life and the life of every human being since Adam till the end of time.
And read from the books of the Old Testament.
Would be condemned.
Moses would accuse us.
He would accuse you.
According to your works, not somebody else's works, your works, how you live, how you behave. Take out the Book of Moses and say guilty.
None justified by the works of the law? Impossible.
Let's try another book.
Let's try the New Testament. That's another book.
And in the New Testament, the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, the only Son of God.
And God offers forgiveness for sin.
Eternal life, eternity in heaven with Christ, beautiful promises and inheritance. Our brother was reading about this afternoon. Kept for us in heaven.
Sets it before you.
And what he asks of you?
Is believing, that's all.
You believe it's yours, the Old Testament. You do. It's yours. You can't get it from doing. You're disqualified. So God says I'm offering it to you by believing because I have someone who is paid for your sins.
It costs God so much I cannot measure what it cost him to save my soul.
And to save yours. And to fill heaven with children, His children.
He forsook the Lord Jesus on the cross, and he cried the Son of God.
Hanging between heaven and earth, rejected by the earth, a heaven close to him. And he says, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
God didn't answer him.
And it's not that he felt forsaken, I'm sure he did, but he was forsaken.
So you and me, forsaken.
So God put your name in the book of life, because when the books were opened and everybody was judged according to their works.
None were found.
To enter into heaven.
Those of whose name?
Within the book of life.
So I ask you tonight I'm gonna point you with the finger. I'm pointing all you guys, women, young children. I'm pointing you. Not gonna do it personally because I don't want you to be uncomfortable. So I'm gonna point at me. So what about you, Michelle? Oh, if you open the books of the Old Testament, say I'm guilty.
We opened the books of New Testament. Oh.
I was 27 and I realized I was a Sinner and I accepted the Lord Jesus my Savior. I put my trust in Him.
Oh, you put my name in the book of life, and you know I have many other scriptures that tell me I'm not going to be standing there before the wicked white throne.
But you know.
Some people say that nobody was found written in the book of life there, but it doesn't say that.
Read with me verse 15.
14 and 15 and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
You know, if somebody dies.
Temporary conditions Death is a temporary condition a human being.
Separated from his body is a temporary condition.
Believers, when they're absent from the body, they're present with the Lord. That's a temporary condition. When the Lord comes, the bodies are going to be resurrected. Now living are going to be changed. They're going to have a body for eternity.
And the unbelievers, they can be brought back from death to be in their bodies, and to stand before God before that great white throne. And death is cast into the lake of fire. No more possible to be in that intermediate state. This is eternity now.
And it says in verse 15.
And whosoever was not found written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of fire. That's hell. That's the that's the final you get in that lake of fire never coming out.
It's a terrible faith.
Because you didn't have faith, fait.
Which is it gonna be for you, Faith?
Or faked.
Why are they casting the litigate fire? Because they're sinners. No, that's not what it says.
They're cast into the Lake of Fire because their name is not.
In the book of life.
Some of you have bibles with, uh, I think it's some indexes, perhaps you call them.
Sometimes they just, you know.
Carved into the pages, or sometimes they're sticking out and you go with your fingers, you know?
What's your name?
Roger. What's the family name?
I'll look again.
It's not there.
Peter, what's your family name?
How come your name is not in there?
Weren't you in Carlton?
The year before, the year after, or this year?
Didn't you hear?
That you should be in time.
And what'd you do?
He rolled on the ground.
And he's going to look in the book.
Who name isn't there?
How come your name isn't there?
I have a pencil here.
I could write your name tonight.
But it wouldn't matter. I write a piece of paper and whatever, it's not going to matter if I write your name down.
But if the Lord Jesus tonight writes your name down in his book of life.
Wow, you're not going to stand there. You're not going to be there, but.
I can't affirm that all those that are going to stand before the Great White Throne are going to be cast in the Lake of Fire. That's not what it says.
They've got in this prerogative as written names.
I can't say you can't do that. God can do what he wants.
But John 318 says.
Condemned already because he believed not.
So which part describes you? John 318? Let's see here.
John 318 He and I believed on him is not condemned. He that believeth not is condemned.
Already only two options.
Somebody here doesn't understand English.
I think I said put your hands up because you understand what I said. But I think everybody understands English. You know, if you didn't, we could speak another language. We can explain it to you before you leave the room.
But there's a danger if you leave this room tonight and you're not saved, no matter how old you are.
You might be just too late.
Fellows running to the train station in the morning, you know I need boy.
He's all blue.
You know, he was only one second late. Uh, but he was late.
The train left without him.
It doesn't matter how close you were to getting saved.
You were locked. I almost am persuaded that's the hymn we sing.
I'm almost saved. I'm almost believing that that's not good enough.
He only writes the names of those that believe.
Tonight, my friend, young person, you might have heard it many times. Maybe this is the first time you hear it, but there's a Savior who came into the world.
And he went to the cross, and he accepted to offer himself for your sins and mine.
And God, our Father proposes to you the greatest gift ever offered to a man, eternal life.
Through faith in Christ Jesus, it can be yours tonight, if it's not yours already. It's not based on how much faith you have.
It's based on the person in whom you have faith.
The smallest possible faith in the greatest person ever.
Will save your soul forever.
Some people speak of having great faith, and when you speak with them about the greatness of their faith, you find they have a small savior.
A statement that says what You believe in me. But you know if you don't keep trusting me, I might just let you go and drown anyway. Well, that's not in my Bible. I have an all the way home Savior. He did all that was required to bring everyone here in this room, everyone in the state of Ohio and everyone in the United States or anyone on the face of this planet. God has given His Son and he's sufficient to save the whole of mankind.
But he only saves those that believe. And we are very privileged in North America. We're very privileged to have the liberty to speak of these things here. Countries in the world. You can't go in the country with a Bible. They won't let you in with your scripture.
Here, not only we have Bibles we can preach freely, so we have the privilege of hearing.
And once we've heard, we've become responsible.
And I wouldn't want the Lord to ask you. Weren't you listening?
Why your name is not in there?
I'm ready to put your name down in my book of life. I paid for you on the cross of Calvary. I want you in heaven. Will you trust me?
Will you receive me in your heart tonight as your savior? Young boy, Young girl, you might have heard it many times.
Our Lord is looking for for you to say, Lord Jesus, save me and he will.
Sometimes you hear children say to their father, Daddy, Daddy, you know, Daddy, Daddy you know.
Daddy busy with something else. The Lord is never busy with anything else. He's listening for your cry to say for Jesus. Save me. He's listening tonight.
Why don't you do it now? If you've never done it, do it tonight. You're not gonna be late for sure.
And if you don't do it tonight, you've never done it.
You might be late, the fatal line might be passed, and you're going to live through.
This terrible scene where nobody speaks. There's no ground to stand on there in the midst of nothing. God is holding them there before the throne by his power, and he's looking in the books.
Going over their deeds to compare with what's in the books.
And if the name isn't found in the book of life, cast into the lake of fire and my friend, what they are going to suffer for eternity, my Savior, the Lord Jesus suffered for me.
He suffered for you.
And so don't put it off. Perhaps you put it off before we think of these men. They brought this woman and she was fearful she might have gotten stoned that very day. She was a guilty person. She wasn't stoned. The Lord didn't condemn her. She says go and sin no more.
I'll have this little passage in Luke's Gospel, at times almost up, where it says the Lord Jesus was removed from the disciples, a stone cast. They wanted to cast stones on this woman. And here's the Lord Jesus withdrew from them by a stone cat. He's taking her place in picture. He's taking our place and picture in the crosshair. He's being punished for your sins and for my sins. It's a wonderful savior and it'd be a terrible thing to hear about him.
And not believe.
Let's pray.
A God and our Father, we thank thee for loving us so much for the gift of thy Son. And we think of these, these wicked men who were as guilty as that woman hypocrites, and we'd all be guilty of that. And we thank thee for thy mercy. We thank thee for the Son of God, the Lord Jesus writing with his finger on the earth. And we just thank you for these thoughts that thou did have to write the law twice because we'd broken it and.
We thank you for your mercy. We thank you for the grace and truth that came through Jesus Christ.
We thank you for these precious verses. You'd have to believe it is not condemned but either believe it not is condemned already and we pray to be none in this room young or old that are condemned already that their faith has been determined already because they believe not that they would have faith if aith trusting in the Lord Jesus tonight and we pray to ever call upon thy name. They would this evening even before they leave this room. Lord Jesus, save me we thank thee thy near is bending to hear these cries and to write.
They have been written already in the book of life. We thank Thee, Father, for these pictures, for these verses, for Thy word and nice spirit, but above all for that blessed One, our Lord Jesus, the wonderful Savior we haven't known. And we pray with that of everyone here, and thy name, Lord Jesus, we pray, Amen.