David's Mighty Men

YP Talk—Michel Payette
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That was one of the.
Five of 100. I didn't die right there.
'S one.
Swear it's time now.
Thy glory.
To give, I work and I love my hair.
We are living now, but I never saw him.
In the eyes.
That fast, the Lord's blessing.
Our God and our Father, we thank you now for this last meeting and, uh, and this special event here.
In, uh, Carrollton and we just, uh, we thank you for that mercies and, uh, keeping us safe and giving us a happy time for all our provision. We thank you for putting that desire in the hearts of our brethren to put on such an event. Thank you for all the energy and, uh, investment made to make thy people comfortable and to allow for a blessing. And we pray for blessing this morning as we have a few moments again to turn to thy word.
We thank you for this hymn and we pray as we open our word this morning that Thy spirit would be free to.
And direct our thoughts. We often feel after we've spoken that so many things different we could have said and bet better. We just pray that Dyspirit would assist us and, uh, assist the hearers too, to bring to their hearts those thoughts that come from the. And so we open my words with confidence this morning, Father, thanking thee for that provision for us, Thy word and thy Spirit to teach us and to direct our hearts.
To that one without it's not spare and give for us all. We cannot measure that.
That love, infinite love that led you to give by some for us. But we would thank you this morning for all those of us who know him. And we pray as we consider a time with young people that, uh, many lives here would be affected by what we've heard over the last few days and the experiences we've had and the fellowships that we threw a lot. And so we pray and ask for a blessing. Father, we count on thy help and ask it all for the glory in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I told Ted yesterday, uh, he was about 1/4 to.
The hour before you finished and he went into, uh, a mighty men of David. And I said, hope that you're there. That's where I wanna go. I wanna speak up. Those mighty men of David, Second Samuel 23. And so the Lord has given us Ted and I, you know, parallel thoughts, connected thoughts and connection with those meetings. And I, I trust you take that from the Lord that he's, he's directed us to talk about these things because he wants you to hear them, obviously, and that they would encourage you and affect you.
The second Samuel 23, we were chapter 21 yesterday and we had those giants, you know that, uh, David's men slew, the servants slew. I think I mentioned in my prayer that David had five stones in his little bag there and he used one on Goliath and there was 4 left. And the four of his servants, they threw the other four giants. And I said that picture that there was provision left, uh, David's provision for those giants, He got it given us.
Provision to be victors, and there's no reason why you and I couldn't be victors.
And when we, we, we second Samuel 23 and what we're going to read about David's mighty men, What I'd like to draw attention on is the feats that were accomplished by these men and the fact that they're brought out as David's mighty men. I like the picture of and the future day when the Lord reviews like David could go over challenges this one, this, this and this one is, uh, this was done for me and in the future day at the judgment seat of Christ.
But we're gonna give his appreciation of how you live for him.
You know, the judgment seat of price, sometimes we, it, it's a fearful thing if you're going on badly, you know, but if you're going to the Olympics, uh, you know, the judges are evaluating the good, not the bad. And the judgment seat of Christ are always going to satisfy it. All of that. He's going to bring out everything that he valued in our lives. That was a pleasure again. And I'd like to just consider that in connection with the mighty men of David and just make some parallel.
For us to enjoy. So a second Samuel 23.
There are seven seats that were done and we'll look at this, uh, verse 8. These be the names of the mighty men whom David.
The Tacoma night that sat in the seat, chief among the captains the same was Adino de Esmec. He looked up his spear against 800, whom he slew at one time.
Wanna draw your attention? I'm glad he was seating. He was seated.
And he was, he had a one time vehicle.
How do you put these stocks together?
Who had a one time victory?
The greatest victory in the universe.
That was the victory of the Lord Jesus on the cross. There's no greater victory. There will not be any greater victory. Armageddon cannot be a victory, but the work of lacrosse is a greater victory.
And through that victory He has made you and me to be seated in Him in heavenly places.
The work of the Lord Keisha on the cross has given us perfect eternal rest and security.
And if you go down, I'm gonna sit right there.
And I'm going to enjoy the fact that I have a Savior who did it all. I think in the coming days, I was so pleased when you sat down and found rest and what I did for you.
Very simple.
Doesn't take much energy.
I gotta sit down because the Lord finished the work for me. And the Lord, I think he's gonna say, I, I appreciate your sin. I, I made that chair ready for you. It's all ready. Please sit up.
And in the coming day, he's gonna say, oh, you're one of the ones who realize in a measure what I did as a result for you. And you sat down. And if I'm seated in the heavenlies in Christ, and momentarily I'm gonna be seated with him up there has nothing to do with me. It's all his work. And my little faith has given me this beautiful seat.
To rest.
You know when the Lord just went up to heaven, He sat down at the right hand of God.
When the priest went into the holy place in the Old Testament, one thing you didn't find in the holy place was a seat. There was no place to sit down.
Because the work wasn't finished, had to offer sacrifices, sacrifices and sacrifices. But they looked with me in Hebrews chapter 10.
Hebrews, chapter 10.
And verse 10.
By the which will ask the will of God, Hebrews 10 and 10, we are sanctified to the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
One sacrifice, one offering sacrifice we are no will be we are sanctified. Verse 14 for by one offering. That's the offering of himself of the body of Jesus Christ on the by one offering he had perfected forever.
Them that are sanctified.
Remember we had the figure there on the gospel you wrote on the ground, the finger that points others to Christ. Well, this finger is number 11, offering one sacrifice, not 2, not 2, just one. And it's over. It's settled forever. You're not going to sit down. And when your soul finds rest in Christ the Lord.
It gives me joy because it cost me a lot to provide that seat for you. Please sit down.
I hope you boys and girls, I'm sorry.
Boys, young men, young women.
When I get stoned here.
Young men, young women that you've sat down, if you haven't yet, you just go ahead. He's provided it for you. You haven't accepted the Lord. Oh, don't put it off. He came to save you. He wants you to sit down and rest, and when you do, He's happy.
And enjoy it, you know, that's the, during the holidays, we bought our, some of our regrets. We don't buy big gifts because we have a lot of grandchildren anyway, we just bought, but we, I found these little, it's like these, uh, what do you call these things that fly around? Everybody's got their control, you know, uh, OK, drones, drones, very, really cheap little drones, but they got all sorts of nice presents from their parents.
My wife, the guy we got from these rechargeable little drones, they cost barely anything, you know, and they were very nice. You know, they could, they could get them up and move them around.
They were so excited that those gifts, you know, was a cheap gift. It wasn't worth much. But just to see that they appreciate it, you know, that we got that seeing them appreciate it gave us joy. And the Lord that he sees you appreciate the gift. I mean, it's not a drone. It's eternal life to faith in Him. Do any appreciation, any measure of appreciation you have?
Gives him joy and I think in the coming days we say.
Thank you, Mr. ETA you say thank you ****. I just sat down. You did a thank you.
For sitting down and finding a rest and what I did for you. Let's go to the next one, Second Samuel 23.
And after him, verse nine, was Eliezer, the son of Dodo the Aoheit, one of three mighty men with David when they defied the Philistine and that were there together, gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were gone away.
You know, it's something to be part of a group when there's energy and you know, you kind of we're carried by each other, you know. But whenever everybody else leaves, you know, my brother mentioned yesterday going on alone, standing alone, that's what it says here. You know, initially all were gone away.
What do you do? I better go myself. No, it says they're heroes.
A time to sit down, and it's time to rise up. He arose and smoked the Philistine until his hand was weary, and his hand clayed unto the sword. And the Lord gave Rock a great victory, and that day and the people returned after him.
The sport.
Now remember yesterday we talked with Thomas.
Can I have a thumb? I mean, it'd be hard to hold on to a sword. Just moving it. It probably tends to slip out of your hand. Like what you had a time you could have a good grip on that sort. And that man, he took up the sword and he was weary, weary. When I read that first time I saw his hand, the sword left with his hand. I just think he just held on to that sword. Never, never gave it a bit.
And, you know, as time goes by and science gets so smart, they tend to say, come on, you know, you don't. Don't tell me you believe this book.
Well, I'll tell you I'm not very smart because I believe this book. I believe every word of God is pure.
And man without God is absolutely blind.
And you cannot argue about color with a blind man. This is red. This is it's all black to him because he's blind. And morally blind man wants to explain the origin of the universe without 3 letter word God.
In the beginning.
No, no, no.
You know, if you don't allow for God to be there in the beginning, that man, maybe he has partial blindness, but it can develop into complete blindness.
There was an explosion in the beginning.
Uh, what? Exploded. Nothing. OK, you you go to talk to somebody else.
I'm very simple, you know, Nothing exploded. Thank you. Yeah.
I'll see you later. I'll come back.
Madness, science and, you know, madness, intelligence. I mean, we, we're Mar. I'm marvel. I've got the smartphone and it's not turn left, turn right. It brought me here, you know.
Not one false turn and fresh.
I'm in the US, They're talking to me in French. It's just wonderful.
Man does wonderful things. We, we, we, we benefit from this intelligence and all sorts of things. But man with all this technology and intelligence, if you put all these computers and minds together, could not produce.
Out of nothing, one greater than.
It's never happened and it's never gonna happen. If they produce something, it's from something else.
Only God can produce something out of nothing. In the beginning God created and you can be five years old, 20 years old, 50 years old. You know the answer to the question, where does it all come from? God made the world. He formed the world by His word. Hebrews Chapter 11. This is a wonderful book.
He's got answers for us. Tell us about the past and the future and the present.
It describes this world morally right now. Second Timothy.
And that's where it's going, unless you're blind. But if you read this book, correspondence in nature, correspondence in all things are shaping up for the future. Correspondence and moral conformity to what God tells us going to happen. It's right there.
I mean, you're not seeing that. I gotta be blind.
And only to receive your slightest proposal, like to put that mud on your eyes and say that's your sins, my friend, and you need to have them washed away. And the only one to wash away your sins, the Lord Jesus, not blind man, he went and he washed and he came seeing. May God open our eyes, everyone, that we would see the beauty that we have in this word.
And so that man, he held on.
Your science professor, great persons in the world, they say things that challenge the word of God. You just hold on to it. I believe this is the word of God from cover to cover. And there's many things I don't understand because this is the word of God. I'm I'm a human. It's normal to run into. I wonder, I don't know.
But faith allows this book to be perfect. God watched over and he said, ah, you know, translations and you know, somebody might have had something. And is God powerful enough if he can produce things out of nothing? Is he powerful enough to watch over his word that he was put in your hands, good documents that you could put your trust in? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Did you hear God speaking to you? Some people hear God speaking to them and sometimes you have to go to the hospital because.
Do you hear all sorts of things that are not in the Word of God? But God speaks to us right in here, right in this book?
And so this is what this man did. This man, he held on to the sword. And what happened?
He had a great victory and all these people that had left.
They came back and they enjoyed the spoil. They came into the blessing that this man allowed to happen because yield onto the sword. And the Lord gave him a great victory, you know?
And you know, if you're going to hold on to this book, hold on to the word of God, hold on to the Lord Jesus, you might stand alone for a while, but the Lord is going to maybe send someone like that. What's that book you're eating? Why are you so confident? How come you're not trouble? How come you don't swear? How come? And then they come and they come and they're brought into the enjoyment.
Of all those wonderful things that are in this book, you know, I mentioned this yesterday. I was 27 years old when I when I got saved, I read the New Testament in school, which is very, you know, in the church I was in, it was scripture. You weren't allowed to read it until the priest would tell you what it means. And so don't believe what I say what it means. You read it for yourself and let the Spirit of God use the word of God and say, I, I got this from here, you know, and the Lord has.
Special indications communications for you personally from the pages of this book.
This doctrine is putting it together and, and the way it fits together and it does have say the truth is, is all connected to one another. But you know, from experience, I know the Lord told me, uh, through the pages of this book, uh, to go ahead and buy a car. He told me through the patience book to go ahead and have my furniture. Come on, Michelle. Hey, no, I mean it. I was in a situation with my family and, uh, my heating bill was terrible. We had a very old furniture, used to be cold furnace.
Change it to an oil furnace and the government has, you know, plans of subsidies, the hydro company, uh, or the oil company and, or the gas company and the government has subsidies that change over to gas, natural gas, which would be cheaper and more efficient and get another furnace. And so I had a submission from a, a plumber there and he said it costs so much. So it ha had this subsidy and that subsidy, but I'm still missing quite an amount there. And I said I didn't have enough, you know, and winter was coming.
And he said, you know you don't buy a car by safe. You know, you buy a car with money.
Uh, so you don't buy a furnace by faith, You buy it with money. I don't have the money, but I have a need. And I said to Lord, I, I don't wanna go ahead and you know, uh, unless you don't supply it. But if you want me to go ahead, you need that. Give me a push, you know, and I read and the Lord gave me a verse and had the word furnace in there and it gave me peace.
And I said, go ahead, I know what happened when the bill came in.
I had the money.
He does that. Now this is just between you and him. He, I don't know if you need a new furnace, probably not, but you might need something in your life and you really exercised about it and you know you, you, you, you want to have the word of the Lord for it. And also the words you hear Spirit God can use and bring to you and give you a piece about it.
If my mind is set in doing something I can find in the scriptures versus to encourage me to do what I want, I can justify what I'm doing. I did that once. It didn't turn out too well. So I've had both experiences, you know, and I know if I have my mindset on something, then I can find justification to do it in the Word of God. But if I'm really dependent on the Lord and I'm willing to do whatever He wants to wait to go ahead, whatever He says, I have that attitude before the Lord. He's gonna come in.
And give you an answer, yes, no, maybe later, whatever the circumstances. And you're gonna enjoy this dynamic relationship with the Lord that he does speak to us specifically on all sorts of issues in our lives if we're simple and we seek his face in the word of God. Well, so much for, uh, this laser son of Dodo and he hold held on with his hand to the sword.
And I'm sure he had his thumb. Verse 11.
After this was Shama, the son of Aege the heroite and the Philistines. We got it to get into a troop where there where was a piece of ground full of lentils, and the people fled from the Philistines, but he stood in the midst of the ground and defended it and slew the Philistine, and the Lord wrought a great victory.
Now, Shama, I suppose he had both his toes.
Because he stood his ground.
He stood his ground and he stood in the midst of a fortune. But it was a field of dentals. You know what Esau did?
He sold his birthright for some lentils. He exchanged the inheritance of his as the first point for lentils. And we said, that's no lentils. I mean, you know, you can despise lentils, say, I mean, it wasn't worth it, you know, just, uh, and sometimes we could consider some of the portions that God has given us as I'm not that important.
What part of the portion that God has given us should we give over to the enemy?
Zero work. It belongs to us. The Lord has given it to us. And So what this man did, he stood in the midst of the portion and defended it. In other words, we had an Ephesians. Having overcome all the snacks, I'm going to stand with the word of God in my hand, and I'm going to stand in what the Word of God has given me as my portion. I am. Doesn't look like it, but I am a son of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
I'm going to have a new body without wrinkles, perfect everywhere. I'm going to heaven.
I'm satisfied right now here, set apart for the Lord. I have all these things that belong to me. I have eternal life, I have His Holy Spirit. I have a wonderful portion.
And how did he save that portion? He said he stood in the midst of the ground and defended it. This belongs to me. Somebody has a piece of land.
Therefore, the river there, a nice piece of land there. That's mine. That's nice. What are all these people there camping there with their trailers and stuff and fireworks and stuff? Well, I don't know. They're just using it. It's yours.
To enjoy.
You know, the seal of lentils is something that's not valued. So just that, you know, maybe it was, it was a gold mine. They would have said, hey, let's get together and defend it because it's really precious. But it wasn't precious to them.
And you know, this is gonna read a bit later on right now in chapter 24, because it was a little spot in the land of Israel.
That's David. I did bother to say hold up.
And he was victorious over all his enemies. And he said to Joab.
Uh, a number of people, how strong we are. Yeah. How many are in our meeting? How many are there? How many of us are together? So you shouldn't do that. You know, I'm saying, well, he goes adding numbers of people and God is very displeased with that. And he proposes to David 3 chastisements and he picks one, which is the Lord for three days of bringing pestilence in the land. So the Angel of the Lord comes and there's precedence in the land. Let's read his second Samuel chapter 24.
Verse 15 So the Lord said the pestilence upon Israel from the morning even to the time appointed, and their guided people from then even to Beersheba 70,000 men. That's a lot of people. When the Angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the Lord repented him of the evil and said to the Angel that destroyed the people, that's enough.
Stay in all thy hand. And Angel of the Lord was by the threshing place of Arona the Jebusite. And David speak unto the Lord, when he saw the Angel that smoked the people, and said, Lo, have sinned, and have done wickedly. But these sheep, what have they done? Let thine hand, I pray, pray thee, be against me, and against my father's house. And God. God came that day to David, and said unto him, Go up rear an altar unto the Lord in the threshing floor of Arona the Jebusite.
And David, according to the saying of Gad, went up as the Lord commanded, and he buys it, and he has an altar there. He offers a sacrifice to the Lord. There was a still portion of the land.
That David hadn't bothered to stay hold of. It's called the threshing floor of Arona, the genuine. If you remember in the Old Testament when Joshua came into the land, the Jebusites were enemies and were to destroy them.
Here's the Jebus. I'm not. Yeah, she she was submitting to the government there. But he had had this little piece of land that was his.
The dressing floor threshing floor is a place of testing, you know.
Separate the chat from the wheat from the grain treasury floor of Verona de Jebusite.
Coincidence. You know what that place is.
That's exactly where Solomon is going to build a temple. That's right there.
The Treasury floor of Aroma. The Jetty site.
And you know what?
That's exactly where in Genesis 22 on Mount Moriah that Abraham was called to give his son.
The Father's gift of the Son is where the temple is built. Everything is built upon.
The Father sending the Son into the world.
I sitting there in this beautiful book, you know, and I'm sure David didn't understand that, but he hadn't bothered with this little piece of land. I was like, I feel the lentils to him, you know, you just let him have that. But when the pestilence comes, where does the Angel of the Lord stop? Where is the Angel of the Lord bringing attention to?
The dressing floor of our own executive side. God had that place in view which nobody else had bothered to take hold of.
And I think of that as the, uh.
The desire of the Lord to gather His people.
Around the Lord Jesus, the gathering center, not a physical place.
But a physical person?
There am I and I miss you there.
Well, you know, I have people coming to our house and they come for a little Bible reading on Wednesday from different groups and stuff and so, so.
They say, well, we were together and so and so, so we prayed together with three and three of us and you know, the way two and three are guys together, my name, their mind and they reverse all the time. I, I haven't challenged them on that. One of the brothers came to me and asked me and I, I've ministered to him on that. But you know, it's not where we gather. So we're gonna, we're gonna have it over here. We're gonna have it over. No, the Lord says, I want it here. It was a treashing floor of our own as a Jebusite because it was where the father offered the son.
And God would have us be gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus.
On the ground, there's one body.
Pretty simple, but to many it's a field. Eventals, you know, we've got our church, we've got our group, we've got all these missions going and stuff.
Shama, when he saw that portion was there, he stood in the midst of it. And this belongs to us.
Who does the Lord wants to be around himself?
You, everyone.
We'd like to have you with himself in heaven, and he'd like to have you around him on earth.
You can't see him physically, but he promises his presence there. There am I in the midst of them? Not there is my authority. I'm for, I'm sorry to say that, but that sometimes we think there's, there's my authority, you know? No, there are my. And if he's there, you know, there's a character associated with the Lord's presence. You know, there's respect, there's, there's harmony, there's, uh, humility, there's dependence, there's, there's worship, there's reverence, there's the Lord is there? Wow.
You know I've been in a mud Hut in Africa.
With African farmers.
And my kids, the room maybe 1/4 of the size here, 60 people in there.
Little table in the center there.
Every comes quiet.
I better give him to him, and I never gives a him, but I read the verse and solemnly fellowship with the Spirit. Same Lord, same God. Peasants in Africa, you know.
To be experienced.
There's so much simplicity there, independence that it's it's manifest and should exercise us older ones too. Is that where we are that that that's manifest to that, you know, our knowledge doesn't take over that we're really in the presence of the Lord enjoying us leading of the spirit. Well, anyway, I just wanted to mention this that day. Or is that portion a field of mental that people didn't esteem? And I compared that to the threshing floor of Verona, the Jebusite, where the Lord had his eye on that place and he brought attention to it and it did.
As a sacrifice offer, then I was a temple where it was built and as a place where Laurie wants us to worship, He wants us to worship in unity around himself as you gather to his name. Let's go to verse 13.
And three of the 30 chiefs went down and came to David in the harvest time onto The Cave of Adilan and the Jupiter. Phyllis Times pitched in the Valley of Refrain. That's, uh, second Samuel 2313. And David was then in an hold in the Garrison of the Philistine was then in Bethlehem. And David long and said, who that one would give me the drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate.
And the three mighty men breakthrough the host of the Philistines, and through water out of the well of Bethlehem.
I was by the gate and took it and brought it to David. Nevertheless, he would not drink thereof, but poured it on him to the Lord, and said, And he said, Be as far from you, O Lord, that I should do This is not just the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives. Therefore he would not drink it. These things that these trees, mighty men. This is the longest account of any of the feats that were done.
It's the center 1. They're Saturn. This is the 4th, 1:00.
And I don't know.
I don't know who these men were. The names aren't mentioned.
And I enjoyed this very much.
David draws attention to memories.
Of his birth. He was from Bethlehem and perhaps, as AUT often was, was thirsty. And, uh, he'd go to that well by the gate and be refreshed with that water.
Boy would I like to have that water again. And.
Lizman said. David would like to have that. Let's get him some water.
And so it's like, come on, we can get water from the brook over there. It's cool. He's never known, but that's rich. It's gotta be water. I mean, you know.
These men didn't think like that.
They had such affection for David.
As the fought victories with him, they said that's what he wants.
What is that? There were enemies in the land. I mean, there's every reason I come on, let's go to stands over there. We'll get you water from the other place there. You know, it was harvest time. I've got all this sweet to to to get my, my, my harvest and I got my equipment to repair it. I have all sorts of other things that need to be done. I have all sorts of things that would prevent me from even considering going there. All I have.
I'm gonna use the word that I I don't really mean, but a capricious desire of David.
For that kind of water. And what did they do? They went at the peril of their lives and they got water from the well in Bethlehem. That's why they gate and they brought it today.
What did it mean to David?
You did that for me, I just said.
I'd like, really like I, I always like to drink some of that water. He didn't say, you go get me some water. He didn't say that. He just expressed a desire. How wondrous I desire of the Lord.
List 2. Not the place of his birth.
Place of this desk.
And where? Oh how deep.
I can't find them, it was by the gate.
You enter in a little bit, you know who can measure? I can't measure. I can't enter into it all. But one thing I can do, I can get water from that well.
And say for Jesus.
I don't know what it meant for you. Thank you.
Thank you for your thought given it for me.
Thank you for your bloodshed. For me. That's the desire of his heart. For you and me, this is central. Why? Why would it be so important?
Those men, I don't know who they are. I don't know, but they didn't know who they were.
And the Lord Jesus knows.
You and how busy you are and all the obstacles to overcome and all those things are repulsive, perhaps.
Philistines in the land opposition things that provoke you.
And if you're looking for objections, the enemy will suggest to you many, many objections. You have every reason in the world not to be there doing that.
But they're all worldly reasons. They're reasons in the world.
And if your heart and my heart loves him, is that what he wants?
He says it's too much for me, but not in what she was betrayed.
And he gave it back to the apostle Paul.
He wasn't there. The apostle Paul and the Lord instituted the peace of remembrance. He got it from the Lord in heaven.
Let's, uh, I, I want them to do that.
In my little heart.
I say, oh, I'm going to do what the Lord asked me to do. I'm doing it.
You're not remembering the Lord over there. They're not remembering the Lord over there, but I'm remembering the Lord. Hey, Lord, I'm remembering you. Uh.
I hope my heart is not like that.
I remember him. I don't remember what I'm doing for him. I'm remembering what he's done for me.
And I can tell you frankly, I've been doing this for 42 years, I think every week I missed on vacation. But I can tell you that if there's fresh affection produced in my heart by the Spirit of God towards him as I just stop and think of who He is, what he stopped.
For me, for us, of course, for me.
Such for me and then for us. Well, this is what I get from this little portion here. And I, I, I think it's really precious. You should meditate on it.
There's little contrast with David's desire, David Longen said. Oh, that one.
Would give me drink of the water of the relevant.
You know you can't do it by yourself.
He wants one to do it, but it's only done collectively. So three of them. And they did that. They brought water to David. And so we can't remember the Lord by ourselves.
But we can do it with others.
Whether who wants us to, as we saw with the treashing floor of Arona the Jebusite, Well, let's go on. And he's, uh, verse, uh, 18.
And Bishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zoroia, was chief among three, and he lifted up his spear against 300, and slew them, and had the name among three. Was he not most honored, honorable of trees? Therefore he was their captain obviously not unto.
The first three.
You know Joab. If you read it in the Old Testament, you'll find Joab is a is a.
A character that is named from the Boston is quite active there in in Bible history, but he's not mentioned in David's mighty men so but I decided his brother.
And if you remember yesterday, I know if you recall, but Abhishek was one of the ones that slew one of those giants, the first one.
It was Abhishek, the son of Tiraiya.
But when he recalls the feats that he did, he doesn't say he slew that giant and wanted to kill David. He doesn't. He doesn't bring that up.
And if you read these verses and I asked you, umm, what do you notice in these verses?
Well, I'll tell you, I'm not gonna leave you in suspense too long. It's the number three. It says UMM was chief among three electrophysiary against 300. He slew them. He had anyone in three, was not most honored of the three. Therefore he was the captain of 18. Not until the first three. If I get to #3 I get this, my little mind here. Just hey, 33333, you know, United Fruit of the spirit.
Three to the Cube 3 * 3.
Galatians, those things that are valued by the Lord.
Some of the threes I like to speak about.
Because he brought brings attention there to that things that the Lord is going to value that he values in your life. 1St Corinthians 13. Let's go there.
13 and 13 first contains 1313 and now by the Fake Hope charity. These three, hey, we got three right there.
But the greatest of these is charity compared to what we had in Second Samuel there he says, what do you what you didn't attain The first three there was he was greater among them and so.
There's faith, hope and love, but the greatest is love. So the Lord looks down in our lives and He values.
What's in your life of hope, faith and love?
We perhaps don't realize that, but every time you let his life in you back in faith and hope and love, he values that. And in the coming day, I think he's gonna bring out those things in your life and mind. No matter who we are, how old we were, those things that were in our life that were connected with faith, hope and love.
These three things abide. They they remain when the Lord comes. No more faith, no more hope, just love forever.
You know, in Corinth they had a lot of difficulties among themselves. They were very occupied with gifts, ability, you know, what they could do and the power God has given them. And the apostle Paul has to write this epistle to them to correct much. And he brings now attention to the essentials. And there's three there, faith, hope and love. Faith and hope are really close together, you know, but hope is always connected with the future.
Faith can look back and in the present in the future too, but hope is always connected with the future and what hope does.
Hope brings into the present what's in the future. I'll give you an example. I hope I have enough time here to go through with you. I give you an example of a boy. He ha, he goes to school in the morning and uh, he walks to school and all his buddies are going by with their bicycles, you know?
He goes to school. That's nice bike he got there. We don't have a bicycle. So, uh, he goes home and he looks sad, but he says, you know, it's a long walk to school. All the boys have bicycles, you know, why can't I have a bicycle? Well, you know, Daddy's been having a rough time, but I just got a, a, a raise and A and a in a week's time, I'm gonna have, uh, a nice paycheck and we're gonna go together to the store. We go to Canadian Tire, but you don't know if you go in the state, you go to the American tires, but.
I'm going to buy a bike for you.
Yeah, Dad. Yeah, yeah, I got a bike for you. So next morning he's going to school.
Yeah, oh boy, I gotta get a new bike.
Does he have a new bike? He doesn't have a new bike. How come? He's happy. He's got the hope. I'm gonna do bike. Oh, he's really happy he doesn't have a bike.
That's what hope does, is bring future blessings right in and out. You know my body's decay. You smell my breath in the morning. You know how bad it is.
I'm going to have a brand new body.
No, no, no. March, nothing. Nothing wrong with it. I gotta have a perfect body. I'm gonna see the Lord face to face. Wow. Wow. That's what hope does. Faith sustains you in the present and hope to bring the future into the presence to kind of combine with that. They rejoicing in hope. I'm happy. I'm rejoicing in the Lord. I gotta get a new bike on Saturday. You know, you heard the Father might make.
Promises like that and he might break a leg and not be able to deliver on the Saturday he promised.
Will God deliver? Of course he will. You can rejoice in hope. Three beautiful things here. First, contest 14.
Three more things. Verse three. He had prophesied speaking unto men to edification, exhortation, and comfort.
That can be you. Doesn't matter. You can say things that are edifying, exhorting, and comforting. It's not limited to somebody special with special gifts. You can tell somebody something that's gonna help them.
XRN, maybe, you know, maybe we shouldn't do that. You know, I said why don't we do that instead? You know, that should be better be pleasing for the Lord, you know. Hey, listen, this is what the Lord wants us to. Let's do that too. Yeah, I'm sorry. I had a failure there. That's that. That's don't get. Let's pray about that.
Yeah, we can all do that.
And then the coming needles. You pleased me so much when you came along, that brother, that sister, that friend of yours, and exhorted them. You comforted them, you edified them.
I'm so happy that you rested your faith in me and you enjoyed those things that were coming for you already, even though they hadn't come yet, and that you expressed to others the love that I filled you with. I was so happy with it. You're one of my strong men. The power of his might. They were David's mighty men. They got their might from the Lord, and so do you, and so do I. Three more enemies.
The flesh a world Satan.
Every time you say no to the best choice, that makes me happy. Every time you resist the influence of the world.
That's my boy.
And every time you recognize the voice of the whisperer, little sink serpent. Oh, no, no, no. I know who that's and that's not the voice of my shepherd. I'm gonna not gonna go there and I'm not gonna do this.
How these know that? You say he's gonna say, oh, I was so pleased. I can imagine a father watching his son being influenced by others he doesn't know. His father's watching and he takes a stand for the Lord.
Makes you so happy. Imagine how the Lord is happy when you stand your ground and you resist those enemies coming about. It's all noted in heaven, you know? Let's go back to the Second Samuel times running out.
And Benaya the son of Jehoiada verse 20, the son of a valiant man of Ketzel who had done many acts, he slew 2 limelight men of Mohapp.
That's his father. His father had slain 2 limelight men of Mohammed, 2 lions of Mohawk. Now Mohab suggests to me there was a Mohabbikes come from the Moabites. They come to sad story from lost daughter. After they left the city of southern Gomorrah, uh, they thought that there was no more men around and that they wouldn't have any children and stuff. So they had their father drink.
And while he was.
I thought he could have been but anyway and they slept with him and they both got pregnant and they bare Ammon and mohab. So Mohabb is the fruit of incest.
Terrible immorality.
You know.
Man is a sexual creature. God has made him that way.
And when you become young persons, it's something that develops in your body and it's, it's, it's a normal thing. Sexuality is a normal thing to have desires and experiencing that developing in your body. But immorality is going beyond what the Lord has given us to exercise sexuality. And then that is the bond of marriage.
So we need to keep ourselves Pure until marriage, and I just want to encourage anyone who hasn't been that way.
Personally, in our personal life or they've had experiences with others that, you know, the prodigal son, he got, he got hugged and kissed and he was coming back home. And, and that's how the Lord treats us when we judge, judge ourselves when we come back to him, He doesn't, he knows how weak we are. He knows the influences of the world and, and so, but you know, uh, two line like men of Mohab.
I have a fallen nature that is propitious to immorality and opt a sad thing in the world. It's just encouraged so I have.
Immoral thoughts coming up, immoral desires. And the world is not that legitimate. You know 2 lions, one inside.
Who wants to express itself? And one outside who said express yourself?
Why don't you look at that? Why don't you go there? Why don't you go with that person there? 2 lions, you know, one inside, one outside. But this fellow's father, he slew them. I tell young people, there's not a time in your life where it's not. It's stronger than when you're developing, you know?
But I'm 69 years old and I tell you.
I have that inside of me, and perhaps other brothers would say I have it too, you know, and in each, you know, that was slain on the cross and you just need to keep that individual. No powerful word. No. Very short. And no, you know, no, you're not gonna do go there. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna entertain these thoughts. They've come. I haven't solicited them. I'm putting them away.
And if they keep after you, I keep you recipe, you get on your knees.
On that chair at home, by your bed, by yourself, say, Lord, these thoughts are haunting me, Give me deliverance, give me other thoughts. You stand on your knees till the Costco they come again. Get back in the enemy of your soul. Say, I better leave that person alone.
Because the more I'm bugging them, the closer they get to the Lord.
I got to leave them alone so they get relaxed and careless. I think the recipe works. You try it. Well, that's what his father did. And then he, the son, he could go ahead and do other things. And so if we're struggling with that, we're going to be impaired, like not having any thoughts on any big toes. You know, we're, we're struggling with those things. And even if you are, there's deliverance from the Lord. Just get on your knees, confess.
Get rid of it. Comes back. Get back on your knees. The Lord is mighty. He's mightier than any sexual pulsion you might have. Or solicitation from the word He's. Why do you know that?
And this world is going down like this. It's it's incredibly fast. Never seen it go down so fast. It's gonna crash shortly. When the Lord comes, it's gonna be given over completely. Well, let's go to see what this man did. This man is the only one that did two things. All the other feats are singles. And after that center one, there's one we've just read about, Abhishek. And this one, Vinaya, he does two and that makes it 7.
His father did two. He slew those two lineman of Mohabbat. But here's what he does. The end of verse 20. He went down also.
In mind if I go four or five minutes extra, he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow.
Sometimes we, we I think had an expression, I'm in the pitch, I'm, I'm discouraged. It's dark and I look around, all I see is mud, you know, it's just.
A day of snow. It was cold.
No brotherly warmth or love to help me online all by myself. I'm cold, it's dark, it's death, it smells bad, it's. And the lion comes.
To discourage you in those times in your life when you're low, when you're down, when you're in the pit.
And he did. He slew the lion in the pit, and time saw.
So when those times come in our lives of depression.
I think of Benaya, and if I was like Benaya, what's where's the victory? Let's look up. It might be in a pit, but there's light up there. The Lord knows you're down there and how you're gonna behave in those times that are darkened. There's real problems. You know, there are difficulties that come our way that discourage us. They're real. How do we deal with these difficulties? Trust the Lord.
The Lord is gonna say, oh, you honored me.
You didn't give up. You cried. You were discouraged. It showed in your face.
But you trusted me. Oh.
You honored me.
And the pit and the day of snow. When the line came, it suggested to you that I was like this, I'm like that. And I'd forgotten about you. And I was gonna You trusted me still.
Is what this mighty man, he does what he did and the last one he slew an Egyptian, a goodly man, an Egyptian experience. And he went down to him with his staff and plucked the spear out of the Egyptians and and slew him with his own spear. Egypt speaks of the world, you know, like this verse from Paul. He says I am crucified to the world and the Crus, the world crucified unto me. He took his staff there and he went against the Egyptian with his staff and he slew him with his own spear, you know.
The cross of our Lord Jesus gives us eternal security, and the cross of our Lord Jesus gives us victory.
Over this world, whatever they present to us, He was a goodly man, a man of great stature. The world has many things to offer you. It will not deliver happiness. The world will want to make you great, so you won't be great for the Lord. You can be mighty in the world. You're not going to be one of David's mighty men. You're small and weak. You're young. You can be one of these mighty men.
If depending how you live your life, the Lord our time is up, let's just pray.
I got my father. We thank you for this portion.
We thank you for these thoughts we crossed from my Spirit and how they would speak to us of our Lord Jesus, the one who's so worthy of every aspect of service and devotion in our life. And we thank that He's the Object of faith and hope and love. We thank you for these words. We pray for these dear young people here. We're going back to their homes and activities and school and work and facing up.
Giants, as we've been speaking about, we thank you for the armor of God that has provided for us. We need to put it on. We thank you for reminding us of those things that you value, Lord Jesus, and that we might in simplicity.
The smallest and weakest among us take these things to heart and glorify you in our lives. We know that we are coming soon, and it's all gonna be like you said it was going to be. We know it's gonna happen that way. And we strengthen our dear young people here, and we pay you. Bless them and keep them. And we thank Thee, Father, for this special time here at the conference of Carlton. In the name of our Lord Jesus, we pray and thank Thee. Amen.