Believing in God and Believing God

WHEN people are asked whether they have any interest in Christ, they sometimes answer, “Well, I believe in God.” There are not many, even in these days when a mild agnosticism is supreme among men in general, who would deny the existence of a Supreme. And even those who declare themselves atheists are often the first to call upon God in times of great danger and trouble.
To believe IN God avails but little. Perhaps you say, “I believe in God.” What practical effect does such a belief have on the life? Many who in theory confess the name of God give the lie to their profession in their lives, for they LIVE as if there were no God. They are practically atheists.
To believe IN God is one thing; to BELIEVE God is quite another. There is all the difference in the world between being convinced of the existence of God and believing what He says. The gospel brings us a word to believe, first concerning ourselves, and then concerning Christ. God says that man is lost, guilty, ruined, helpless. If you believe God you will take the place of the lost sinner. This is very different from carelessly admitting that “all men are sinners.” You may not FEEL very bad, but whatever you may feel, you may KNOW, because God says so, that you are a lost sinner.
As soon as you believe what God says about YOU, and take the place that truly belongs to you, you will be interested in what God says about CHRIST. God says that it is a trustworthy statement and worthy of universal acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” If you do not take the place of the lost sinner, then on your own showing Christ is not for you. Only those who are “condemned already” can claim a Saviour. God cannot accept your thoughts about yourself. Just because you accept God’s estimate of yourself you have the right to accept God’s estimate of Christ for you. You may imagine that you have to make yourself good enough for Christ to trust YOU; God says that Christ is good enough for you to trust HIM. Be a true rationalist and believe the God who cannot lie. Accept the character He gives you, and accept the Saviour He has provided for you. TAKE THE GUILTY SINNER’S PLACE, AND CLAIM THE GUILTY SINNER’S SAVIOUR.