There is a voice I love to hear,
A face I long to see;
And to behold His wounded side,
Who shed His blood for me.
The hand which for my sins was pierced,
Now leads me safely home;
Securely in its grasp I’m kept
As through the waste I roam.
That selfsame hand for me has spread
A feast of joy divine;
It waves “love’s banner” o’er my head,
And gives me bread and wine.
There is an eye that never sleeps,
All watchful in its care,
Which knows my needs, and guides my steps!
What can with it compare?
There is a heart which beats for me,
Upon the Father’s throne;
And on that heart will I recline,
Where cares are all unknown.
There is a peace which fills my soul,
And garrisons my mind;
‘Tis found in fellowship with God,
Where all my joys I find.
There is a spot that’s dearer far
Than all the world beside,
The cross where all my guilt was borne,
The place where Jesus died.
There is a home my spirit loves,
A quiet, sweet retreat;
Unseen by mortal eyes, but found
By faith at Jesu’s feet.
There would I ever sit and sing
My loftiest songs of praise,
And catch the sweetness of His smile
From glory’s brightest rays.
Lord Jesus, Thou art “all in all,”
Thy holy Name I bless;
Oh! give me grace to live for Thee,
And all Thy ways express.
S. T.