MY favorite nephew was a particularly naughty little fellow, but worth loving, full of spirit and full of most original naughtiness.
Once a lady was left in charge of the numerous children whilst father and mother were away. Now Frankie hated the long book-prayers she used when waiting for his breakfast. One morning no book could be found, for Frank had buried it in the garden! Frankie loved his father, but one day, being very rebellious, self-willed and disobedient, he kept away from his parents altogether and went whistling about the house as if he did not care. His poor little heart was heavy, and with tears in his eyes he felt too ashamed to go to his father. At last he could bear it no longer, so he rushed down to the study, and flying into his father’s arms he cried, “I am so sorry, do forgive me.” As in the case of the prodigal son, his father was only too ready with loving words to speak forgiveness. Frankie kept close to his father the rest of tile day, and when his mother said “He sticks to his father’s side as if he grew there,” the boy looked up and said, “I may, for don’t you know I’m forgiven.”
And so, dear reader, it may be for you and for me. We have but to acknowledge our sinfulness and sins, and ask our Heavenly Father’s forgiveness, and He will forgive at once. And when we are forgiven let us keep close to His side. “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of faith” (Heb. 12:22Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)).
E. P. L.