In Rome many years ago, lived a rich man who owned a beautiful home. This man was very much afraid that thieves might steal some of his treasures.
His neighbors kept their homes guarded by very fierce dogs, which were ready to pounce upon any stranger daring to step inside the gate. This rich man, however, had no dog. Instead of that, the words “Cave man,” “Beware of the Dog,” were carved in stone over his doorway. It was supposed to frighten thieves, and perhaps it did for a while, hut there were no teeth behind it. That “Beware” really meant nothing at all.
Boys and girls, when God says “Beware.” He means it. He does not speak just to frighten you, but rather because He loves you, and warns of the righteous wrath which awaits the sinner. His “Beware” is a very loving warning not to frighten you away, but to bring you to Himself. He had paid a great ransom for your soul, to deliver you from judgment. That great ransom is the life-blood of His beloved Son.
If the fierce dog of Roman days sprang at a visitor, it would be too late for the poor man to explain his mistake and hasten away. However, the children of the family were perfectly safe. The old dog knew his master’s family, and a stranger could only he admitted. when he came with some member of the family.
You may come to heaven, children. God wants you to come. But who will take you safely from your place of wrath to God’s home of joy and love? If you are willing now, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will cover you, hide you, shelter you, and bring you to His Father’s home above. But you must now put your trust in Him who will, in His own time, take you to heaven. If you die in your sins, there is no ransom great enough to deliver you then. It will he too late! When God says “Beware,” He really means it.
ML 05/28/1950