The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word ascribed to the Lord Jesus which is aptly defined by a Greek letter. [The number in brackets indicates the number of words in the answer.]
1. The descriptive word for the wind that cut short a remarkable experience for someone with wet feet [1].
2. The comparative age of the one who led a mass exodus of those who were convicted by a down to earth message [1].
3. Two words of endearment for a certain captive spoken by an out-of-this-world instructor [2].
4. One of two things despised by those that are void of understanding [1].
5. That which we can very well expect regarding truth from the one who is called the father of lies [4].
6. Those who rise up against each other in a coming time of earthquakes and famines [5].
7. That which may sometimes be secured in haste, but which later may be void of blessing [1].
8. That which one of the Bible writers expressly did not write about [2].
9. A practice unique to an early church regarding timely communications with their benefactor [2].
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Treasury. R. Erisman