The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word identifying something wherein sorrow is greatly multiplied in bringing forth, but which eventually may be a source of joy and rejoicing. [The number in brackets indicates the number of words in the answer.]
1. Something consumed under the table that brought encouragement at once to a distraught mother [1].
2. The name of a wicked king who caused great lamentation when he thought he was being mocked [1].
3. That which might tempt a true Christian to desire the fashions of his former lusts [1].
4. The double abilities that resulted from a twofold gift to a certain quartet in a strange land [2].
5. That which characterizes those who now walk in step with the world and in tune with its prince [1]
6. Something great promised to those whose love extends beyond those who are naturally lovely
7. Something fathers have done according to an ancient proverb which affected their direct descendants [3].
8. The curt response by seven weary fishermen to a pointed question as to the productivity of their night-long endeavor [1].
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Treasury.
R. Erisman