If anyone brought a meat offering which was baken in the oven it was to be of unleavened cakes mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil. Leaven is a type of sin, and so these cakes and wafers being unleavened would remind us once again of the Lord Jesus who was the sinless One. He never had sin in Him though it was laid on Him during those dark hours of Calvary. He was always “unleavened” and His every action was always by the Spirit (“mingled with oil.”) He was also “anointed with oil” when at His baptism the Spirit of God came. upon Him like a dove, marking Him out as God’s beloved Son and giving power for service too. His perfect service was ever by the power of the Spirit of God. These cakes were baked in the oven where no one could see them while the heat of the fire was doing its work, and so we think of the hidden sufferings of Christ as man in this world. He took a body capable of suffering. What sufferings He endured. which no man could see or understand! He felt, as only a righteous man could feel, the sorrows which sin has brought, the rejection and hatred of man led on of Satan, and then last of all how really and fully He felt what it, was to be forsaken of God when He was bearing our sins in those dark hours. Oh what hidden sufferings His holy soul endured there, we shall never know, and yet how fully God His Father was glorified in it all.
Then there was the meat offering which was taken in a pan or a frying pan. We can all see anything while it is cooking in a frying pan, and so in these we learn that there were some of Christ’s sufferings which were seen by others. He was hungry, thirsty, and weary, and then what sufferings He endured at the hands of man, which all could see, as they stood around that cross; the crown of thorns, the spitting, and the nails in His blessed hands and feet. How the heart of God found its delight in seeing the perfect obedience of that blessed One all through His sufferings in this way.
There were two things forbidden in any offering of the Lord made by fire. They were leaven and honey. We have already remarked that leaven is a type of evil, and since these offerings typify Christ we can easily see that leaven could not be in them. But some might wonder why honey was forbidden seeing it is so sweet, but honey typifies that natural sweetness which is not-the fruit of the Spirit’s work. The frankincense is typical of that fragrance which is by the Spirit. Sometimes we are generous because we like to be well thought, of we are very courteous at times just to make a good impression on others. Those are the motives which control the heart of natural men but such motives never governed the heart of Jesus, nor will they be our motives if we are walking with God. We will he kind to please God. We will be courteous for the same reason—not to be well thought of by others. Then if faithfulness to the Lord leads us to do something that may seem unkind, there will be the fragrance of the frankincense which will be sweet to God even if others do not appreciate it. Then too, if we have Christ before our hearts we can continue in kindness whether people thank us or not, because we know that the Lord is pleased by these lovely Christian graces in His own.
ML 07/23/1950