I well remember meeting a young man who was quite contented, but he was all wrong. It happened in Detroit, where I had just boarded the train for Chicago. Across the aisle from me was this young man who settled himself down, leaned back against a comfortable pillow, and prepared for his journey. He was the picture of contentment. And what do you think happened to make him suddenly very disturbed? When the train had been rolling along for some miles, he suddenly found he was on the wrong train! He was going in the wrong direction! Do you think he settled back and said, “But, Mr. Conductor, I am quite sincere about this, and I feel quite contented, and I don’t think you should upset me by suggesting that I am on the wrong train.” Not a bit of it. When he heard the conductor’s message, lie believed, and he at once asked for instructions what to do next. He was told to get off at the next station and get on an east-bound train.
Take care, young reader, you may he very happy, very comfortable, but yet. on the road to hell. But we rejoice to tell you that there is a way of escape. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt he saved.” Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31).
ML 08/13/1950