Brought to Jesus

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Gospel—P. Geveden
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General Meetings Wheaton, August 1975. Gospel by Paul Jibbetton.
Shall we sing together?
Number six.
God and mercy sent his Son into a world by sin undone. Jesus Christ was crucified towards for sinners. Jesus died.
Sin and death. No more Sharine.
Jesus died and lives again.
In the glorious highest height, see him broad supreme delight.
Honor in his name believe everlasting life receive.
Lord of all is Jesus. Now every knee to him must bow.
The Lord will come again.
You suffered once, will reign.
Every tongue at last will own Jesus Christ as Lord alone.
All the glory of the grace shining in the Savior's face telling sinners from above, God is light, God is love number six.
Shall we sing another?
Oh, blessed Gospel Sound #15.
And shall we stand?
And sing this please stand and #15.
I did not hear.
They now made you.
Please hear more about my safety.
Oh savior you will be.
Yeah, everyone.
Our house is the only past, yeah.
You can be sure that the Lord is willing to bless you.
A letter came.
Lord, is thou will make me clean.
Immediately responded, I will be thou clean.
That tells us of our needs because of the defilement of our sins, the state that we are in too.
Having been born into this world with a fallen nature.
What we'd like to notice.
From Matthew Chapter 9.
The case of a man sick with a palsy brought to the Lord by others.
Verse 2.
And behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying on a bed.
And Jesus, seeing their faith, said unto the sick of the palsy.
Son, be a good cheer.
Thy sins be forgiven thee.
Here perhaps we have the earliest mention of the forgiveness of sins in the New Testament. We know that his name was to be called Jesus because he would save his people from their sins.
But as the man brought.
And this is what should happen to you tonight.
There are many prayers in that direction.
That will bring you into the presence of the Lord for the blessing that he's able to convey to you.
This man was sick of the palsy.
He had that specific need.
But there is another need, perhaps that he didn't realize as well as he realized the need of the cure of his body.
You know, oftentimes our emphasis is on the material things, the health that we have and so on.
When the most important thing of all may be neglected, the question of the forgiveness of our sins and the blessing of our soul.
So this man got a two fold.
Sunday, the chair.
And you can be a good cheer tonight too, because as a savior for sinners, the faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
And Paul hindered as he wrote to Timothy, and he added to whom I'm chief?
Son, be a good chair.
You need something for your heart.
The world brings disappointment. There's no satisfaction that can be had in all the disco world offers.
You certainly need price to feel that part of yours and give you the satisfaction that you need in this life.
That is durable too. It's not only for the present, it's for all eternity.
Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Certainly a good cheer.
That must have been a warming word to that dear man as he was brought there into the presence of the Lord of heaven, the Lord of glory.
Thy sins be forgiven thee. You know this is a direct answer to a Psalm.
Because we read in the psalms as we read over to the 103rd Psalm.
There we have a statement like this. You'll forgive us all thine iniquities who readeth all thy diseases.
And this was the character of the blessing that prevailed at that moment when our Lord was here going about preaching the gospel of the Kingdom.
It was an earthly order blessing that he would introduce.
But still he was being rejected.
And right away we see that there are those who were in positions of authority in that day saying this man blasphemous.
They didn't realize who he was.
God present on the earth.
Emmanuel come down and grace to his people here below.
And there was this blessing that could be had, the blessing for the body and blessing for the soul.
And that type of blessing prevailed for some time. There were gifts, you know, in the beginning that were current with the introduction of Christianity.
But the Kingdom was not established in power. It's in suspension now, in abeyance, and that kind of blessing didn't.
Extend to the earth.
But all there's deeper blessing because of the rejection of Christ.
The blessing of our souls.
Becoming a child of God forever.
And the being blasted all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ.
Oh, that's the better range of blessing that comes in after the rejection of Christ and his crucifixion at the cross.
There was blessing for those at that time. There's nothing about redemption here.
But our blessed Lord, being brought down here, could speak of the forgiveness of sins, and we hear him say, the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins.
And let us realize that tonight.
That if our sins are forgiven, they must be forgiven while we're here on this earth.
When we slipped away, it's too late.
So it's very important for you to hear the Word and to believe on that blessed One that God has sent into this world.
And that's what we were singing together in the first hymn that we lifted from the beginning of the page garden. Mercy sent his son to a world by sin undone, and here we find him in contact with a soul.
With an individual with us, man that was stricken with the palsy was helpless. He couldn't calm himself. Arthur brought him along to the presence of our Blessed Lord.
And he spoke here to that dear ones heart.
And also a word to his conscience that his sons were forgiven.
What about yours?
This man had sinned.
And is there anyone that does not have sins?
For with our sin.
And that is common among men. Among the human race. It extends to all alike the practice of sin.
We know that we've sinned.
We certainly do. We have to admit that we need to own it and to confess the need of the soldier. We need our sins forgiven.
I like to think, you know sometimes of how nice you are.
You lovely little girls going to and from the dining room, some barefooted and some in shoes, and little boys throwing the ball in the corridor full of energy and life.
But they might have said, you know, we didn't do it.
We sometimes like the cake that Mother makes.
She put the icing on the outside. That's where the sugar is, and that's where we like to put the sugar on the outside and have a good appearance and not be being willing to admit that we were wrong, that we've made a mistake, that we've come short in some way.
Oh, we never were taught how to do those things that are displeasing to the Lord and that came natural to us. That was natural.
And to hear the message to this man is their good cheer.
Thy sins are forgiven thee.
Oh, there's a dear mother in Kentucky where the little baby boy, precious, he is born, you know, with a defect in the heart and the circulation is not what it ought to be.
And their heart is torn and tender sympathy to the need of that dear child.
And oh, if the Lord Jesus were here, she would be taking that little one to him. But still, that's not the character of the blessing that we had before us today.
That's been deferred.
So we have our humans.
Our diseases.
Because it's not the order of the blessing that we have now.
So this is the case of the forgiveness of sins.
We don't know if it's judicial. Perhaps it doesn't go that far, but it does say thy sins are forgiven.
And he'll say that to you. And isn't it nice to know? Isn't it wonderful to know that God and mercy sent his Son to this world by sin and done?
That Jesus has really been here.
And I often we're glad to sing. I wish that his hands had been placed on my head. I wish we wished we could have been there at that time. But still there are better things because of his rejection. And we can know him still today, tonight, And you ought to get into his acquaintance now.
Well, we find there's something else as we turn a little farther over to Mark's Gospel, Chapter 5.
And we'll turn to that and hold just for a moment, because it's a little difficult to know when speaking, to put things together as they ought to be.
And we've asked for the direction of the Lord, and we do indeed wish that.
Mark Chapter 5 will come to something.
It seems to be in that place.
But we know this year, in this passage that we've had under consideration.
Right away, our Lord calls Matthew.
Who was sitting at the receipt of custom?
He was a tax gatherer.
A Republican.
Who was in disrepute and in favor with the people because he collected taxes?
And it seems to be a special classification of those that are unwanted or that have come short in some way that there are sinners.
But our Lord told him, And this was not in keeping, you know, with the order of things that prevailed at that time. But he called this man Matthew.
He said Follow me.
And the meaning arose and followed him. There's a ready response. He acted in faith, and blessing comes, you know, when we act in faith, when we believe God's word. He had to work from the Lord, and he responded immediately. He believed. He followed. And then he invited the Lord to come into his house, and sinners came together. Many Republicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
And it was complete about this.
And it has to be explained that the whole need not a physician.
But they that are sick.
Go ahead and learn what that meaneth. I will have mercy and not sacrifice. So God is coming out in grace to this world. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
And there we have the call of a Sinner.
Called by the Savior from above. Called by that Son of man who has power on earth to forgive sins.
And he was brought into blessing, and we know that he followed on to that blessing that the Lord brought in fully through his sacrifices across, though he had learned what that meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice.
God wants to display his grace. He wants to exercise his grace towards you.
He wants you to know what he can do for you.
Pain begins at the wrong end, usually consistently. Rather, he begins to think of what he's able to do for the Lord.
And really, we're not able to do anything for him because we're without strength, as we heard today, without strength.
Golden trespasses and sins.
All we need God's grace to us Go and learn what that meaneth. I will have mercy and not sacrifice. So there cannot be any any doubt tonight, if you're honest with yourself, that the Lord doesn't want to bless you, I willingly says be thou please.
And he called this man.
And encountered him, and there was blessing. Now, in our chapter in Mark Five, we find our Lord coming into a place and in contact with a man that had gotten completely overboard.
He was out in the far reaches of the enemy's power. It wasn't the ordinary ministry of the word that is exercised in this chapter. That was in the previous chapter.
And here's a man that is possessed with an evil power, and the Lord comes to bless him. And these portions bring before us the character, the blessing at that time that the Lord brought when he came to the earth, he came in contact with this man that was possessed with demons.
They were legion, and he delivered this soul.
Northern pressure and wonderful what the gospel will do, what the Lord can do for souls He brings deliverance. This man is free during that a hard life he.
Thrown himself?
In and among the stones, and he was never bound by the feathers, the regulations that were imposed upon him.
The power of them, they were so strong and he was fighting so that he was completely taken. And there's a danger, that kind of thing today, you might be completely taken.
The man went to Brazil as the missionary, and he was there to proclaim the message of God's grace if he knew it. And he ran across brutal rhythm and he was overtaken by. So he's engaged in that kind of thing to say and writes books about it.
He lives nearby.
At home. So we need to be aware of that kind of thing or see where the God that will bring blessing to you, that will bring deliverance to your soul.
And as the man having been blunt.
The Lord is about to go away.
And they didn't want the Lord there, the people in general that came out. They saw the loss that they sustained by the swine going into the sea and being choked in the blood.
And they became the frame to depart out of their coats when he was coming to the ship.
I'm ready to go.
He's that have been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might to be with him.
He wanted to go along.
We know about something that wanted to go home. The particle wanted to go home in the 15th of Luke. They're crossing wanted to go home. As we read about it in Philippians chapter one, having a desire to depart and he with Christ, which is far better, he wanted to go home.
Brad Pitt was needful for him to stay around where he was, so he stayed about five years more to have the Philippian Saints and to go ahead with the ministry that he could exercise among those people that he was acquainted with.
But here's this man. He didn't want to stay home.
He's about to go. He wants the Lord to take him along in this boat. Perhaps he thought, it would be a little difficult to remain there now. His life had been such under there, such that shame connected with it, and he'd like to go along with the Lord, right. Moreover, it must be that he was attracted by that one that had an exercise, that great power in his deliverance, and had brought such blessing to him.
That to Savior. Oh, what a lovely blessed.
Savior is the Lord. Just think of that precious Savior down here in this world, coming so close to us in all of our needs set apart, of course. But he became a man. He came into this world. You know the truth will prevail for a long time that there's one gone.
All that had been heard in 2000 years.
But there's one mediator between God and men and man, Christ Jesus.
That was new, and that's what we have now. There's one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, between God and men.
That's not a question of Georgenta islands between God and men. There's a mediator on job long for that, you know. Nor you wish for a basement to come in. Betrayed himself and gone. That they might be brought together, but there's a savior tonight. There's a mediator.
He freed your crows. He's undertaken for you. He's been here in this world. He's depleted with your needs, and he knows that you need his acquaintance.
Under this man wanted to grow. He that was possessed with the demon prayed him that he might be with him. Jesus suffered him not, but said unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord has done for thee in US, compassion on thee.
That's what He was to do. He was to tell her what the Lord had done for him, and also to bring out the compassions of the Savior's heart, wherein that we see God's love to the Sinner, His grace and His mercy that is extended to our men everywhere.
So in these cases we have something of the Lord's ministry at that time, and the blessing that He brought to souls in that day. But now we can turn a little farther over, for in singing the second Him. And we were considering the dressing gospel sound. That's the message.
And so our Lord has gone away.
He was rejected.
Crucified the Cross.
All lovely one, God blessed Savior.
They went to take him, you know.
And they had to admit that nevermind strict like this, man.
And others were made to marvel at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth.
And the pilot in his position of indifference and lack of care and consideration to the need of an innocent one.
Had to confess, I find no fault in him.
No fault in him. And the centurion had to say, this is a righteous man.
And think of that Blessed One on the cross as he prayed. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Can you match words like those?
And observe how tenderly he commends his mother to the care of that disciple whom Jesus loved, John standing by there.
Woman, Behold, I son.
And could he be concerned with the dying? Caesar decide in a moment like that when he's under the stress and pain of all the agonies of that cross?
This was still in the daylight.
And that repentant soul turned to the Lord. And he said, Remember Me when thou comest into thy Kingdom.
And immediately the Lord could turn in blessing to him, and say today shall thou be with me in paradise.
So that was important, wasn't it? That was the blessing that he needed. You know, Stephen was stoned to death. His life was being crushed out of him in the end of the chapter where he gave his address.
And he was kneeling, and he was calling upon God. And what was he saying?
Lord Jesus received my spirit.
That's not all that he said.
But we'll take that statement Lord Jesus receive my spirity. Seen Jesus standing in the right end of God and the glory of God had overwhelmed him, his face shown as an Angel. We read a little before that and he couldn't look up in confidence and say Lord Jesus receive my spirit.
But a little later on, when we read, You know, the development took Stephen to his peril and meet great lamentation over him. That was the body.
So which is the more important, the blessing of the body or the blessing of the soul?
Or suppressing of the soul that you need.
That's the blessing that really counts today.
The forgiveness of sins, the possession of eternal life, being born again, being a child of God forever for your all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
That's the way you become his child. And then we are brought into those blessings that are so wonderful.
Having peace with God, standing in grace and rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God. What a future belongs to the believer.
That's the heavenly order of blessing, and that's directly connected with that soul. We've been given that capacity, you know, to go on into eternity to the praise and glory of God.
So let us be sure that our sins are forgiven.
And then we hear the words of our blessed Lord as he spoke to our needy soul.
A poor woman.
And her name is not given.
And sometimes we put up a shield and do not give the name.
She was a Sinner, but she responded to the Savior. She tasted that the Lord was gracious. She put herself at his feet.
She was repentant because she washed his feet with the hairs of her head.
She believed she came, she came to the Savior, she came to Jesus the Lord she believed she confessed him without saying a word.
Noble confession, And he said to her, Thy sins are forgiven.
And he said that to you. Perhaps he said it to me. He'll say it to others tonight. He wants you to receive the forgiveness of your sins.
Now there are other things. The message that was left, they were at the beginning of Jerusalem. And to preach the message, you know, among all nations.
The message of the death and resurrection of Christ.
Peter preached to know about the resurrection.
About the repentance and remission of sins.
And the Christ was exalted and made Lord.
He had a message in the second of acts and there was a message that he took to Cornelius one day later on and Cornynus was a good man.
And everyone needs the savior, whether you're good or bad.
And the gospel can bless you equally.
And perhaps the one that has gone the Prednisone way, although you do not go that way in order to receive or increase the blessing, God forbid.
But there's blessing for you, and he'll grant it to you, and he wants you to be saved.
To have the salvation of your soul.
And that message was given. He feared God. He prayed.
And he gave arms.
And he was a man that was exercised, and perhaps you have some little movement in this direction.
Aren't you concerned the day of grace is about over?
If the writer under inspiration were pinning the 12Th chapter of Ecclesiastes now, perhaps you wouldn't have to go any further than the first verse.
Remember now I create on the days of thy youth.
You're young now. That's the time to remember the Lord. There follows a description of old age, and you may never reach old age because we're right. At the close of the day of grace. Everything indicates that our Lord is promised and He's anxious to come. Still God is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish. And the door grace is still open tonight, and you can still come in and receive the fullness of blessing that God has for you.
That he has brought to you because of the sacrifice of Christ at the cross.
While others come into blessing too.
All the Saul saw why persecutors shall mean.
Well, there must have been some tenderness in those words that moved him deeply. It is hard for thee to kick against the Prince.
Andy God blessing.
Oh, what a blessing. That man realized he didn't get the cure of his body. Perhaps he couldn't throw the stones there when Steven was stoned to death because his eyesight was bad.
They laid down their clothes at his feet, a young man named Saul.
And later on he prayed, you know, for the removal of the thorn, for the flesh. But the answer was, my grace is sufficient for thee Father's blessing that goes beyond just a mere blessing and material things in the health of the body. You know, what we have in Christ doesn't depend on good health anyway.
Oh, you helped me feel You get old and things dim for you, but you still have the same full blessed portion in Christ that you had at the time before.
All the blessing is full and complete, and will come into the realization of it in that day when we have our new bodies.
So call out a message he received A message? Did Paul have sins?
Oh, he was a polished man. He was cultured. He was educated.
And he was a Hebrew of the Hebrews, and he was a Pharisee. And he had a zeal for God, but he was against Christ. He didn't know the Lord Jesus.
And he for that reason.
Took the position of being the chief of sinners all he needed. The Savior too, indeed heard the word of the Lord. How did those get blessing? On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached the word to them. How does a good blessing in Samaria? Philip preached Christ to them. How did Paul get blessing? He had a direct special message from the Lord.
He heard the word of the Lord and he responded to it.
And ours are blessing for others. It's through the word No, it's the word of God.
That brings blessing to us. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
And we find that.
Paul indeed had his sins because he was told to rise and to wash away thy sins, arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins. Of course, we don't see that as being judicial, but it had its place. He had sins, and he took the place of a Sinner. He was an overbearing, insolent man before.
But he was gentle as a nurse afterwards that would nurse her own children, all the change that came into that man's life because of his acquaintance with the Lord Jesus.
That was a transformation, and he came to know the riches of God's grace.
And the proclaimer of the unsearchable riches of Christ.
And of the blessing that reached that was spread abroad to all the men everywhere.
Oh, he magnified his office as he preached the gospel to others and brought them into the knowledge of the truth.
So there's a message that he had for others. He took the message, you know, to that Philippian jailer. And you wouldn't expect the Philippian jailer to be a devout man that feared God, that was praying and that was giving alms to the people. Knowing is a rather hardened character. You would observe or conclude. Yet there was blessing for that man too. He came trembling, you know, when he was shaken because of what had happened.
He sprang in, he called her light, and the word of blessing to his soul was believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
And thou shall be saved.
And then in the 13th of Acts, which we passed over, being known unto you, therefore men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
And by him all the beliefs or it's that simple?
All that believe it is a faith that it might be by grace. If it weren't by faith, it had to be on some other principle.
Our God's grace to sins, we see it in the Lord Jesus as he brought forgiveness to that man with the palsy as he spoke forgiveness to that woman in the 7th of Luke and he brought deliverance to that soul that was completely taken under the power of Satan.
Oh, what power and blessing. Be a good chair, he said to that man.
Nice sins are forgiven thee, and he'd like to speak those same words of good cheer to you here tonight.
He wants you to be saved. Oh, there's a danger and delay. You'll be exposed to the judgment that is Judas World because of its rejection of Christ. You need the Savior now.
Now is the accepted time. It's now that the word is very naive.
It's now that you know the message of salvation.
That you've heard the gospel in these meetings together.
And you've heard the gospel many times in your history here as an individual.
We're likely you've heard the gospel on an average of about 60 * a year.
And that could be increased considerably by special meetings.
And if you're 10 years old and is of responsible age, you've heard the gospel 600 times.
This man heard it once.
Now a woman heard it one time. All heard it once.
These responded into What can you do, What will you do tonight?
Attracted by the loveliness of this blessed savior.
Savior of the world. The savior of sinners, that lovely one that came so close to us and wants to bring us into the fullness of blessing that can be ours Now you know we get the character of the blessing in our day, in the verse that came to our attention as we were together here in this room this morning.
Hath reigned unto death. That's the history. That's the record.
We must agree that it's true that sin has had a long reign of great power over the human race.
Even so might grace reign unto righteousness.
Through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Now there was a little defect in the reading of that verse, so may I repeat it, that a sin hath reigned unto death.
Even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. That's the blessing that you can have now.
Grace is reigning through righteousness.
Oh delivers from preaching a gospel of world improvement.
This world is under the sentence of God's judgment.
And just as soon as the Day of grace has run its course, judgments will fall.
And it cannot be improved.
Or it's better because we are here, the salt of the earth, the light of the world.
But this world cannot be improved through its own efforts.
The only way that peace will come to this world is through our Lord Jesus Christ. And the thing for you now is to be blessed as an individual. And the Spirit of God is taking out of this world of people for the name of Christ. He's saving a soul here, now, here and there and there.
And taking them out of this world that's doomed for judgment. And what about you tonight? This is an individual thing, and wouldn't you like to be delivered from the course of this world?
We're walking according to the course of this world, ordinarily, but there's deliverance for you. He'll save you, and you say you can't hold out.
All we were reading today about being saved by his life.
If through the weakness of Christ, so to speak, we were saved by his death on the cross, he's risen, He's glorified, He's up there, and we shall be saved by his life. He'll take us safely home. So you need not fear. He wants you to come into the blessing that can be yours.
By simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now we were saying that the Word is neither, and we read something about that on that order in the 10th of Romans. That's a quotation from Deuteronomy, a reference to the Word there. But here's applied to Christ, who shall ascend into heaven, That is to bring Christ down from above verse six. Ours will descend into the deep, that is to bring up Christ again from the dead.
All the works been done. The Savior's been here. He died for our sins according to the scriptures. He was buried. He rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.
For what says it?
The word is neither.
Even in thy mouth.
What about confessing the Lord?
Can't you say a word for the Lord Jesus?
Think of what he's offered to you.
He gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world.
He wants you to be sheltered from the storm of judgment that will come.
The word is nigh thee.
Even in thy mouth.
You've heard it a long time.
You've memorized it. It's in your mouth.
There were the fades.
Which we preach the Word of Faith, which we preach.
That is, thou shall confess with thy mouth.
The Lord Jesus or Jesus as Lord.
And shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved.
That's a good word to stuff on, isn't it?
If thou shalt believe.
For with the heart the man believeth under righteousness.
The disaster confessed with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved.
Now will you go away?
Can you afford to run the race?
Why not come to that savior tonight? It was simple for the men beside him when he said Lord.
It's just as simple for you.
Why not utter your face and that blessed one from your heart, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ?
To the eternal good of your soul, to the glory of God.
Lord, what a day awaits the redeemed when we shall sing together.
Of being there in his presence and likeness, and the basis of it the precious blood of Christ that cleanses from all sin.
Thou shalt be saved, but you can't be. If you don't receive the Lord Jesus, you may know all about it.
It's necessary for you to receive it.
This man did.
Others have, and you may. The door is open wide at this moment.
And now is the time.
Shall be saved. Wouldn't you like to have that word on your wall?
True of you saved.
Saved through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace reigning through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We'll sing.
Christ alone can save break the power of sin. Christ as fully satisfy the heart that cleaves to him.
Decide for Christ today, Confess him as thy Lord.
Proclaim to all the Saviors worth How faithful is His word?
What are you today?
And see you in all.
Will do hell.
I are thee.
Our life will kill him.