Come Home!

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
HAVE you not wandered long enough, and gone far enough away from peace, and from happiness, and from God? You know you have. You have often felt that it is so; then why wander farther? Oh, come home, for it is God Himself who calls you. “But,” you may say, “how would He have me come?” and you do well to ask this question. My friend, as God loves sinners He will not receive you unless you come just as you are; you must come as a sinner, or you cannot come at all. Suppose the poor prodigal in the parable, when he said, “I will arise, and go to my father,” had added, “but I must first get dressed in new and beautiful attire:” do you think he would ever have gone back to his father? No; he must go, just as he was, a guilty, pitiable object, or perish in the far country. The prodigal had nothing to say to excuse his folly and sin, yet he resolved to go home, and cast himself upon his father’s mercy, saying, “I have sinned.” You know what came of it; you know how his father ran to meet him, and clasped him in his arms, and welcomed him. Think of this exquisite and touching picture of God’s joy in receiving the returning sinner, and if you feel you have wandered too long away from Him, remember that the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth from all sin. Delay not another hour, but come to Him who loves sinners, and is ready to receive and welcome you. T. T. P.