ONE thing sometimes troubled little Mary: her frock and her bonnet were not quite as nice as those of her little companions! However, although she felt this, and often wished that her clothes were more gaily trimmed, she kept it to herself, for she believed that her mother knew best.
Her mother told her that she would get her a new hat; when it arrived little Mary felt choked, and her eyes filled with tears, and she quietly went to her room and there wept over her first disappointment.
Her mother asked what was the matter. Between her sobs Mary said, “Why, mamma, it is not as pretty as the rest of the little girls’ hats.”
Mary’s mother drew her little girl gently to her bosom, and quietly said, “My child, you will never be beautiful until you see Jesus, and are like Himself,” adding, “The Lord is soon coming, Mary, then papa and mamma are going to dwell with Him. What will become of you? Will He take you, too?”
About two years after this Mary wrote her aunt a letter, in which she related one of her dreams, about having seen the Lord Jesus coming in the clouds. She said, “Oh, auntie, He was so beautiful, He had a white, white garment, and He had little children in His arms and on His bosom, and I was so happy. When I awoke I thought I was in heaven.” It was only a dream, but Mary added, “Auntie, I’m sure I shall go to be with Him when He comes, for I have believed on Him, and He has washed all my sins away in His precious blood.”
Now, dear young reader, how is it with you? Are you looking forward to seeing Jesus? He will soon be here, and all our little pleasures should be entered into in the thought of His speedy coming. If Jesus is the bright hope of your young hearts, I am sure that, as it was with little Mary in her disappointment so it will be with you—you will be glad to please Him in pleasing your parents, and you will be wishing to see the Lord who loves you. M. L. A.